The Gay Marriage Threat
Your sex role is your social role and your social role influences every part of your sense of self. This affects the individual and cannot be avoided. All animal hierarchies are based on sex, the hierarchy is there to determine access to sex and nothing else. As all lionesses have access to sex there is no female hierarchy among lions. As not all wolf bitches have access to sex there is a female hierarchy among wolves. All animal hierarchies are based on controlling access to sex and where it is not controlled there is no hierarchy. Humans are more than animals and so our hierarchies are not entirely about distributing sex. They are also about distributing food.
Sex roles determining social roles affects adults and it affects the children those adults bring into the world. The sex role of the individual is his social role. But the family itself has a sex role and this becomes the families social role and this affects the children. Even if well fed and clothed and otherwise cared for a family can be less than optimum for the children if the social role of the family is not optimal and that social role is determined by the families sex role. All women can mate with alpha males if they choose. Only an alpha female can get commitment from an alpha male, being able to get this commitment is the sole measure of her alpha status. This determines the woman’s sex role which determines her social role. It also determines the families social role and this affects the children. The child is the child of an alpha family, this is quickly and instinctively known by the child and affects the child in every way. The identity of the child comes from its role in society and its role is determined by its family.
All women can mate with alpha males, but only alpha females can get those males to care for the children produced. If a child is being cared for by an alpha male it is in an alpha family and this determines its place in society and this is instinctively known. A beta female is a female who can not get alpha males to care for her children, but can get beta males to do so. The beta males will not care for her children if they do not believe the child is theirs. If a beta woman mates with a beta man and emotionally bonds with him the children will instinctively know they are in a beta family. This will be quickly recognized by the child and will affect him in every way possible. Sex role determines social role and the families social role becomes the child’s role and this is instinctively affects the child in every way possible.
If the woman can not get a man to care for her child she is an omega female. This is instinctively known by the child. At an early age the child will recognize the families role and position in society. If no man is willing to care for the child the child instinctively knows his mother is an omega female and his is an omega family. A father is not needed for a family but a father is needed to lift the family up to alpha or beta status. The fatherless child immediately knows he has no father as no man likes his mother enough to care for the children. His mother bred anyway but all human woman breed, we are humans not wolves. The child of an omega family instinctively knows all women breed and like everyone else is unimpressed by the fact. But not all women can get a alpha male to care for them and child. Not all women can get a beta male to care for them and child. If the woman has bred without a father she has done one thing all women can do and failed to do one thing that only woman at the top of the hierarchy can do. She is a social failure, an omega woman, and her family is an omega family of failures. The child instinctively knows this.
The worth of the family is determined by the worth of the mother, this is instinctively known. Historically 80% of woman bred and only 40% of men. In any culture to insult a mother is fighting words, in no culture is insulting a father fighting words. He bred, he thus proved himself in the top half of all men. He bred, the existence of his children is proof and he has passed the most important test for receiving respect as a man. Sex role is social role, the father has the sex role of breeder and this puts him above easy insults. If the mother is insulted these are fighting words. Just being a mother impresses no one because all women breed. A woman’s sex role is not determined by access to sex and there are no restrictions on female access to sex. A woman’s sex role is determined by access to food, does an alpha male bring her and babe food? Is she cared for? If the alpha male has more than one women which does he like the best thus bringing food to that one only when food is scarce? A woman’s sex role is not her access to sex, it is her access to the concern of men around her. A families social role is determined by the woman’s role, a families place is determined by the woman’s access to food, or in these unnecessarily complicated times by access to concern from the males. If concern from an alpha male is received it is an alpha family, if concern from a beta male is received it is a beta family. If no concern from a male is received it is an omega family.
A family is more to the child than a source of food, clothes and shelter. It is a social unit with a role in society that determines the child’s place in society. I mean the child’s felt place in society, there are no social obstacles to bastards in modern America. But instinctively the bastard knows he is a bastard and from an omega family. The negative consequences are real and food, clothing and shelter can not fix these problems. The issue is parenting not breeding. Any woman can breed. If the children are merely fed, clothed and sheltered they are being bred like animals. This is an omega family and the children are permanently affected. Beyond mere breeding is parenting and this is a family where the male shows concern for the children and is emotionally bonded with the mother. The child instinctively recognizes all of this at an early age, nothing is hidden. The child is deeply affected by the social role of the family and knows if it is the product of parenting or mere breeding. This so deeply affects the child that any claim to be the product of mere breeding is cause for violence. This is why men fight when their mothers are insulted. The one and only insult that is being levied is that they are the product of breeding and not parenting.
Men fight when their mother is insulted because it is they who are being insulted, they are being referred to as omega children from omega families, the product of mere breeding and not parenting. Being from breeding and not parenting is so upsetting being accused of this will drive us to violence. Because role is the heart of how you interact with others, it is the heart of the life you live. When families break down and all women are omega women all children are the hurt child who lashes out when accused of being the product of mere breeding. Only it is not merely an accusation, it is an accurate description of reality. The end of families means the end of parenting and the children know it and the children know what they are now. No attempts at social programming can cure this as the instincts run too deep and are the product of countless millennia of evolution. When we eliminate parenting all children are the hurt child who lashes out, all children are bastards.