The Gay Marriage Threat
The gay marriage threat is still there, lurking in the shadows, waiting to reappear. I’m not talking about the threat of gays getting married. That has been legal nation wide since the Supreme Court ruling in 2012. Two gay dudes can now get a piece of paper for when they play house together and woe be unto the baker who does bake them a wedding cake. This is settled law, the threat I am talking about is a real threat, hiding in the shadows and waiting to reappear. That is the threat of Evangelical opposition to gay marriage sinking the conservative movement again, just like an entire generation was lost in 1996 when the Evangelicals made two dudes playing house together the only crime in America that was double illegal. Not murder, not rape, two gay dudes playing house together became the only crime in America that was double illegal. To anyone but the Evangelicals outlawing the lawing of something not legal is absurd, but to the Evangelical mind this is the best way to save the American Family. And the American Family still needs saving, nothing has changed since 1996, it needs just as much saving now at then. And trying to save it by outlawing two dudes playing house together is just as bad an idea today.
The real threat, the threat of the Evangelicals driving yet another generation away from god and country is real and will remain real until someone gives them another, better way of saving the American Family. Because they want it saved, because it needs to be saved and it is worth saving. But whether or not gay dudes play house together has nothing to do with it. Two gay dudes playing house together is neither a threat to the American Family or a help to straight marriages, it is irrelevant. This was proven beyond all doubt in 2012 when the Supreme Court legalized gay marriage and absolutely nothing happened except gays marrying. Not one single straight marriage was harmed. But we already knew this would happen. Because in 1996 when two gay dudes playing house together became double illegal not one single straight marriage was helped. Laws for or against gay marriage are neither help nor hindrance to straight marriage, they are irrelevant. Deep down inside even the Evangelicals know this. But it is human nature to prefer a bad answer to no answer. It is human nature to try something instead of just standing there. It is human nature to repeat a past failure hoping it will work next time. And so the threat is still there, lurking in the shadows and waiting for its chance. This threat will remain until the rest of us do what the Evangelicals cannot and save the American Family.
And it is a threat. Making gay marriage the only crime in America that was double illegal drove an entire generations away from western civilization. There is a name for this generation, they are the millennials and I don’t know a single person who likes them. Their formative years were spent during what I consider America’s third civil war and their formative years were spent watching the Evangelicals make idiotic claims about how double outlawing gay marriage would make straight marriages better. Any normal person would be repulsed by this talk. They spent their formative years watching the Evangelicals make two dudes playing house together the only crime that was double illegal. Not murder, not rape, two dudes playing house together is the only crime so horrible it must be double illegal. It has to be illegal and it has to be illegal to make it legal. Any normal person interprets this as absurd and an expression of hate. Since it was already illegal making it illegal to legalize it serves no purpose than an outward expression of inner hate and this is how it was interpreted by anyone not an Evangelical. Older people were simply shocked at the stupidity, but younger people were shaped by this. The young are still wet clay and they didn’t simply shake their heads at gay marriage becoming double illegal. Young people are wet clay and they were formed by this and the clay hardened. Their inner selves were permanently changed by watching the Evangelicals say to be a true Christian you have to make dudes playing house together double illegal, they where permanently changed by watching the Evangelicals say to be a true American you have to make dudes playing house together double illegal. They were permanently changed, and they permanently decided to not be true Christians, they permanently decided to not be true Americans. An entire generation was lost because the idiot Evangelicals decided that the smart and clever way to save the American Family was to make something illegal double illegal.
Gay marriage was illegal in 1996, there was no discernible motive for making it double illegal other than as a public demonstration. I understand that using the peculiar logic of their religion the Evangelicals thought they were making a public demonstration of support for the American Family. This logic is unknown outside their religion and to the rest of the world the only motive for making gay marriage double illegal in 1996 was for a public demonstration of hate. No other logical interpretation could be made by anyone not part of the Evangelical mental world. And so when they said you have to make gay marriage double illegal to be a true Christian, a true American millions of impressionable young people decided they did not want to be true Christians, true Americans. The polling numbers on this were immediately obvious. As soon the Evangelicals made gay marriage double illegal in 1996 support for Christianity among people under 18 plummeted and kept going down for the duration of this third American Civil War. The polling data made this obvious in 1996, the Evangelicals knew this, the rest of us told them. They pressed on. It is human nature to prefer a bad answer to no answer. This was the only answer the Evangelicals had. This was their best answer. The Evangelicals pressed on.
From 1996 to 2012 we had America’s third civil war and America lost. The Evangelicals attempted to connect being a true Christian and being a true American with making two dudes playing house together the only crime that was double illegal. They succeeded in connecting being a true Christian and a true American with making gay marriage double illegal. They succeeded in making this connection and an entire generation was lost to western civilization. If we let them they will do it again, and again, and again. They will keep doing this until a few million Evangelicals in the South are the only Christians left and part of me wonders if this is what they really want. The standard ploy of the Evangelicals in trying to shape American politics is always the same, announce that anyone who opposes them is not a true Christian, not a true American. I have not seen them follow any other path. It is always this same thing and every time people choose to not be true Christians, not be true Americans. This is the pattern and the Evangelicals are too dumb to see it. The largest effect is always on the young, they are wet clay and are formed by childhood events and the clay hardens and they are permanently shaped by the long past event. An entire generation was lost by making two dudes playing house together double illegal. If we let them the Evangelicals will do this again and they will do it again and again. The only way to stop them is to save the American Family on our own, something they can never do.
To a man with a Protestant hammer every problem looks like a Catholic nail. The Evangelicals are the Ulster-Scots who when they were wet clay were shaped by the Catholic Penal Laws, were shaped by getting free farms in Ulster just for being Protestant. This wet clay hardened and now permanently keeps this form. Everything you want in life comes from having faith, nothing comes from work because that is how the Catholics do it and they all go to hell. The Evangelicals do not only believe in salvation by faith alone, they believe in everything by faith alone. No desired goal is to be achieved by work, that is what Catholics do and they go to hell. All desired goals are to be achieved by faith alone, the good way. Saving the American Family is a worthy goal. It is good that the Evangelicals want to achieve it. But Evangelicals only know one way of achieving anything. The Evangelicals were once wet clay and the clay was shaped and hardened in Ulster. The Evangelicals only know one way of achieving anything, by faith alone. To anyone outside their mental world making gay dudes playing house double illegal is absurdity, a public demonstration of raw hate. To the child of Ulster it is a public demonstration of faith, payment in the required currency for God’s assistance, payment in the only currency they are allowed to use. To the child of Ulster making gay marriage double illegal in 1996 was a religious performance in the sight of their God, and if he finds their performance worthy he will grant their request. The request was to save the American Family and the grantor of this request was supposed to be the Protestant God of Ulster who takes farms away from the Irish and gives them to the Scots. To an Evangelical from Ulster every goal looks like an Irish farm and the way to achieve every goal is the same, faith in salvation by faith alone.
The Evangelicals only know one trick and it only worked once. Just being Protestant worked in seventeenth century Ulster and they got free farms. The clay was wet and was shaped by this, now it is hardened and permanently keeps the form. The Evangelical trick only worked that one time. It didn’t work in the first Civil War. It didn’t work during the Civil Rights movement, a second civil war. It didn’t work in 1996 when they made gay marriage the only double illegal crime in America and thus started the third Civil War. It only worked that one time. Because it was the English who did the WORK of taking those farms away from the Irish and giving them to Scots. So the wet clay of the Scots given the land saw no work involved, only say the gift and the wet clay was formed. This is the Evangelical, this will always be the Evangelical. They are waiting in the shadows to come out again, they are waiting to make two dudes playing house double illegal again. They will always want the American Family to be strong again. They will always only know one way to try for this goal, they will always lose entire generations in every Civil War they start.
There is an answer. The rest of us must make the American Family strong again. The answer has nothing to do with gay dudes. I’m not even sure if has anything to do with straight dudes, it is women that are misled. Each time you fall in love you fall less. This is a sad and painful truth. Catholic work cannot change it. Protestant faith cannot change it. This is a sad and painful truth that cannot be changed but can only be worked around. Traditional arguments against casual relationships are that it will produce children out of wedlock. This argument was made void in 1960 with the birth control pill. Until a new argument is made there is no argument against casual relationships. The new argument is that each time you fall you fall less. Save your Romantic Connection Potential to make a good marriage out of it, one which will last a lifetime. This is the argument that will make sense to the young, the wet clay which abhors the answers of the Evangelicals. It is the only real argument in a world with birth control. Eventually it has to be made and the best time for the inevitable is always now. Birth control changed ovaries but not minds, not human instincts. We must still obey human nature even if our bodies no longer obey nature. Instincts which evolved over aeons will never change. With the right and ideas and WORK we can make the American Family stronger. We need to do it for the goal of making the American Family stronger. The goal is worthy and the goal is reachable. We need to reach it, because in the shadows are the Evangelicals waiting to try again, try the same way which only worked once, try the same way which drives entire generations away from anything good.