Documentary: Living on One Dollar

in #bucktrend9 years ago (edited)

Just finished watching a documentary called "Living on One Dollar" and it makes me question the direction I go in my life. I have always been the type of person that wants to help everybody in every way i can and so when i see people struggling or people who, due to circumstances beyond their control, are forced into a scenario (or in this case a lifestyle) i want to do everything within my power and outside my power to help them. I like how this video was laid out. It also made me wonder if microloans are a good way to help some of these people who don't have an opportunity to get to where they are trying to get to, get there.

From another aspect while trying to help these people i don't see were you can generate a profit. Mainly due to the amounts of the loans the return on the loans wouldn't be worth anything signifigant unless you did millions of them throughout the world. And if you were to do something like that, most institutions would view the loans as high risk loans and wouldn't want them on their books. which brings us all the way back around to where we are today. One of the things the documentary hints at is that and individual could help due to the amount needed to help, any american could spare a little microloan to at least give these people a fighting chance.
I'm a problem solver. I love solving complex issues, even issues on this magnitude  I will continue to think about a solution to this complex scenario (in addition to the other issues Analyze on a daily basis.