breathing system is most important thing of our life.
When we manipulate our breath, we will become more than other.
In 100% of our potential power, there are only 2,75% we have used to our daily activity, so imagine if we can increase our inner power just 0.1% or become 2.8% you can kill a horse in one punch.
here you can see how our body has a big hidden power.
And it's also something we do all our lives and never really notice much. Your physical awareness actually improves your mental awareness. For me it was the mental awareness that grew first. I've been practicing Ānāpānasati since very young age and it really helps to understand yourself and explore existential questions.
correct, i was hard and easy to get angry, since i practice breathing system, I can control my anger, more patient,
And healthly and look like still young.. cara
Was I use to help other to heal the sick too.