I've been somewhat close to dying, and very close to been caught by the intelligence agency of my country which is worse
At that moment my entire life was on hold, my dark and terrible future was drawn in my eyes like in a movie, I was poorly hiding and I was so close to them that I could see their guns above my head and hear their voices around me. All was quiet like when a grenade explodes close to the main actor in a movie and all my past and my future was presented in my eyes like in a photography set. It's crazy but it really happens
Gladly I manage to escape but know I see life from another perspective
Are you satisfied with your life?
I'm not. Right now I feel like just a little of security and peace will be enough, but I know that if I gain peace and security I will start to look for more, to learn more and to gain more. There's too much hunger in my soul
Once I was almost drowned. To me it was just mind focusing on just one thing. It was a natural lake or something and I just let go of everything and yearned for my life. Few seconds later I had already gotten out of water. I don't know if it was my body acting on its own in some biofeedback sort of a way or some supernatural force. I was drowning for few seconds until I wasn't. I had no water in my lungs either.
Amen! We had to use electricity to build computers and we had to build the internet to build the blockchain. People with creative drive always build on top of other people's inventions. The rest of the Zuckers are either just grateful (which is ok) or just plain entitled.
Wish you the very best in your life my friend!