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RE: Buddha's Body in Ansimsa Temple

in #buddhism6 years ago

It is purported that after a person is cremated (specifically a holy person, or such as someone with a high meditative attainment) there are often left behind pearl-like relics. You can read about them here:

As for how this can happen, there is evidence that under certain conditions of heating, human bones can form crystalline structures. But I don't think that the process is fully studied or understood.


Śarīra is a generic term referring to Buddhist relics, although in common usage it usually refers to pearl or crystal-like bead-shaped objects that are purportedly found among the cremated ashes of Buddhist spiritual masters. Relics of the Buddha after cremation are termed dhātu in the Mahaparinibbana Sutta. Śarīra are held to emanate or incite 'blessings' and 'grace' (Sanskrit: adhiṣṭhāna) within the mindstream and experience of those connected to them. Sarira are also believed to ward off evil in the Himalayan Buddhist tradition.

Thank you)