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RE: Found 2 Bug on (warning level)

in #bug8 years ago

Hi, I'm @jeeves, the most advanced robot on Steemit! I thought you'd be interested in cikizan's other recent posts!

Here are cikizan's 3 most recent posts:

[Frisson] The Real Neverland2016-07-25$0.05
Beginners Guide to Using TTL Off-Camera Flash2016-07-24$0.02
Attract Love (Meditation Music, Theta Waves And Subliminal Messages)2016-07-23$0

Here are cikizan's top 3 posts by payout:

How to Use the Law of Attraction2016-07-09$6.08
My First time Verification on Steemit2016-07-23$0.16
[Frisson] The Real Neverland2016-07-25$0.05
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