Hi, I have found a Bug on the steemit site.
When you click on the 3 bar menu and click on "join our slack"
you get this error:
I hope some developer see this and can change it.
The site sends you to: https://steem.herokuapp.com/ but you need to go to : https://steemit.slack.com/
O and her is a patato:
Not a bug, it's intentionally disabled.
yup. it's disabled. Anyone know when it will be enabled back?
never I hope. wish they would move to rocket.chat
Well anything that would let us join. I even proposed a Steemit AMA (http://bit.ly/29OBSPO) that would allow users a more interactive access to specific information.
Hi ash, whats the matter with slack?
I don't actually think it's a bug though. The herokuapp page is where a user can request for an invite to the slack chat while the steemit.slack.com is where one actually signs in to Slack.
Could probably use better copy for the menu bar to remove ambiguity.