Hive Bug Bounty?

in #bug3 years ago (edited)

So I've been onboarding users, which I hope everyone else is doing too, I'm finally active again on HIVE since the fork.

Everything looks great, better than it was. And so, I was following up with one of my referrals and noticed how the Last Active date is 1970?


Not sure if that would cause a problem but I'd imagine it's worth a look, better safe than sorry. Upvote for the trouble?

Tagging a few top witnesses to make sure they are aware.


1970 is just the default date for timestamps.

Ohh, so since she hasn't done anything yet, since there hasn't been any activity, it defaults to 1970. That clarifies! Thanks and keep up the good work you guys.

note: only a crazy person would make the default 1970.

I am building the hell matrix, and everyone will burn.

All I ever needed was permission, to rewrite history.
Maybe after 500000 years they might have learned.

@dari2 see how easy it is to get change done, or at least your voice heard, in this format? Ves que tan facil es lograr cambios, o por lo menos que se escuche tu voz, usando este formato?

small things turn into big waves, it just takes a little time