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RE: Explain the reason behind your down votes on my posts

in #buildawhale9 months ago

Hey buddy! I reviewed your profile a bit last night and came up with some suggestions that should help you stop getting downvotes. If you make the necessary changes and find you're still getting downvotes, your account may have been blacklisted, in which case you would need to contact the people in charge of that via discord - but there's a chance these are just manual downvotes, so it's possible that making some change will be all you need.

I put together a short list of general practices to avoid downvotes this morning, and posted it here. I tried to put this together in a way that would also exemplify a typical post on Hive. In this case, "There are several practices that can help Hive users avoid downvotes" was the post, but I elaborated by explaining what those practices are and why (to the best of my ability).

As far as specific advice, it looks like you are posting multiple one/two line posts within a 24 hour window, which is fine if you do it in Waves, but almost a certain path to downvotes if you're doing it in posts. Honestly, I wish some of these more powerful users would explain that instead of slamming people with downvotes - I know personally how hurtful and discouraging that can be, especially when you have no idea why it's happening. I think it would be nice if buildawhale (for example) had a generic post on reasons for downvoting, and that they would take the time to share that with users to give them a chance to learn and grow before they get downvoted into oblivion, but unfortunately that is unlikely to happen. I will be saving the post I created in order to help future users in your situation, hopefully other users will add valuable suggestions in the comments so it can be an even more helpful reference.

Anyway my friend, I hope this helps!