shipped 12 dollar bid for thies original post...
yo whys this ljnk not gone through .. tried yestedray.. it was an original post and my bid was cancelled ..
& it was cancelled..
Still no refund on my 90 sBd from you..
And now an original post is not being accepted by your bot... 105 all up down for your services in past three days
@berniesanders @fyrstikken @inertia and @thejohalfiles would love to hear about this ;)
I hope @buildawhale does the right thing here, lets hope it was a mistake because it sounds like they are ignoring you on purpose and trying to just keep your money .. you already asked and they refused to give you an answer lol big mistake i think...
but thats just like.. my opinion man
My response is here
I see a @buildawhale vote was delivered to that post. What was canceled?