One of the most difficult things about affiliate marketing is figuring out what your niche is going to be. Once you decide on a niche, the next step is to learn about the people behind that niche. This is your TARGET AUDIENCE.
Finding your target audience is a huge step that can’t be ignored if you want to get sales with affiliate marketing. The reason why target audience research is important is because once you know who your audience is, then you can figure out what they want and need. Then you can satisfy that need by giving them answers.
Basically ask yourself who do you want to sell to? Women? Men? People who want to make money? People who want to lose weight? People looking for love? or People who want to know about what to expect when expecting?

In today’s online environment we have been much more successful targeting “evergreen niches” and implementing advanced traffic generating strategies.
We use marketing angles that generate more leads and sales. In this course we will show an example campaign.