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RE: Steemit Has a Bullying Problem

in #bullying7 years ago

I totally agree with ya. Very few things scare away investors, businesses, people, and non-profits than cyber-bullying.

Can you imagine if high school kids got a hold of Steemit in its current form? Holy smokes the destruction would be terrible. I have lost too may to suicide to let a platform allow this.

Thank you for caring and reading.

God bless.



Fuck off scammer. You’re not being bullied. You’re being dealt with like a scammer should.

Lol you are the scammer and a bully and if you can't see that maybe we need a judge or cop to remind you.

Your time is coming just wait :)





First of all, you won't find me. Second of all, you're a fucking MORON and nobody would even bother with your scammy ass let alone a cop or judge because you're being flagged and receiving auto-replies.


Lol you are the definition of a scammer.

If this does not cease, I will have my uncles who are lawyers (and love to deal with bullies like you) file an injunction with Steemit Inc for your account information. And then forward it over to the authorities.

In the United States cyber-bullying is a clear case. Especially when the proof of loss of reputation and income is easy to prove on Steemit.

@chiefmappster is being followed by this flag bot because he is a prove liar and scammer. He will reply claiming this is bullying, however, these flags are being used as deisgned, to protect Steemians against future scams by @chiefmappster. Beware. He is a notorious liar and uses the name of the Lord to gain sympathy. Namaste.

geez! I had no clue... dang it! Wish I could delete my comment now

"loss of income" lmao


@chiefmappster is being followed by this flag bot because he is a prove liar and scammer. He will reply claiming this is bullying, however, these flags are being used as deisgned, to protect Steemians against future scams by @chiefmappster. Beware. He is a notorious liar and uses the name of the Lord to gain sympathy. Namaste.

Lol you are the definition of a scammer.

If this does not cease, I will have my uncles who are lawyers (and love to deal with bullies like you) file an injunction with Steemit Inc for your account information. And then forward it over to the authorities.

In the United States cyber-bullying is a clear case. Especially when the proof of loss of reputation and income is easy to prove on Steemit.

Trust me. The flagging will not stop. That's how the system was build and how the system will be used.

Also, you're not losing income (again, you fucking moron). It's not yours until it's paid out, just like EVERYONE else here, and I'm removing it BEFORE that.

So again, go fuck yourself.

Look how you are acting and you are an adult. How bad has your life been that you act this way?

Like I said i truly feel so bad for you. If I acted like you do at your age holy smokes I would be so embarrassed.

This user is being followed by this flag bot because he is a proven liar and scammer. He will reply claiming this is bullying, however, these flags are being used as designed, to protect Steemians against future scams by this user. Namaste.

@chiefmappster is being followed by this flag bot because he is a prove liar and scammer. He will reply claiming this is bullying, however, these flags are being used as deisgned, to protect Steemians against future scams by @chiefmappster. Beware. He is a notorious liar and uses the name of the Lord to gain sympathy. Namaste.