Why does god reward bullies and punish their victims ?

in #bullying7 years ago

Being born with a genetic disorder called neurofibromatosis, I surely had my share of bullying growing up. From social exclusion, to having the crap kicked out of me, everyday was a new journey and a battle just to stay alive. Being different even as an adult, people go out of their way to treat you poorly. I guess in a round-about way, why should I expect anything different ? If I was normal, I would probably do the same thing. In this ego-driven world, people are too busy dealing with their own problems and issues.

So this begs the question, why does "god" or the universe - if you are an atheist, reward the bullies and punish their victims? Beside Elon Musk, very few people who are subject to years of bullying and social exclusion can get through it unscathed. Many end up with mental health issues and in turn, turn to anti-social behavior as an outlet for their anger.
A lot of the times these anti-social behaviors lead to incarceration and further suffering.

On the other-hand, some victims of bullying can end up taking their own life's as a result. Considering that having a sense of belonging is an inherent human need, being excluded and rejected can have a compounding affect, that can last a lifetime. Many young children who are a victim of these evasive bullying tactics can go from being out going and friendly, to being a loaner and more inline with the convectional mass-murders we see in mainstream media. Very few people choose to be loaners and most people who are, are so due to environmental factors.

Looking back at many of the people who tortured me in my childhood, in actuality none are leading a life as miserable as mine. Many have jobs where they are making 100k or more a year, have a beautiful wife and kids and what seems like an endless supply of love. Many of the people who bullied me were habitual bullies, so I am sure there are a lot more victims than just me, but you would think that at least one of them would pay for all these life's they destroyed, but this is not the case.

Some people believe that the universe has a way of correcting itself, that these people will have to face their demons in either life or death, being a devout atheist, I don't ever see any of these people paying for their crimes. Sadly being a gluten for punishment, I do still talk to one of these people off and on who constantly likes to make fun of me - sometimes when you are so lonely, you will even take abuse just to have a person to talk to, even if they aren't listening to a word you are saying.

I sent him a text the other day saying that I had made a little of my money back in crypto - once he found out I lost my life savings a few months ago he told everyone and I was the biggest joke in town. He replied " your luck wont change, you'll lose it all, its the luck of the Lawrence - Lawrence being my last name". Trying to stick up for myself and be positive for the first time in my life I replied back " you'll see, Ill make it all back". He just laughed it off. Not even 5 minutes later, I popped my bike tire and had to walk almost 10 miles back to my car. I was going to tell him what happened, but decided not to because that would only feed his ego even more.

Sometimes it is so hard to understand how the world operates. This guy calls me ass-eyes, fat, a disgusting man and on and on and on, but somehow he has a loving wife a great paying job, a beautiful home and I am homeless and 100 percent alone. Some days I just wish I could disappear off the face of this earth or be abducted by aliens. Because deep down I don't want to die, but there are so many people pushing me in that direction, I just don't know what to do.


You ooze negativity.
No one can push you to death unless you let them. You are in control of your destiny.
A quick story. my brother-in-law's first marriage ended badly, he was alone and had no friends, he tried to kill himself (obviously he failed)
He made a decision that day, he was going to make every day the funnest day. From that day on, he lived every day to the fullest! Everyone said he was their "best friend" and he was. Unfortunately, his life was cut short from cancer. He made a decision on how he wanted to live his life and he lived it that way to the very last minute!
You do what you want with your life. Stop allowing people to push you around, because you allow it.

If I allowed people to push me around Id be dead by now man. That same person I mentioned in this post only a few weeks ago was trying to convince me to kill myself. Sorry but relaying ones emotion is not negativity, its a part of life. Sorry to hear about your brother-in-law. Because of my disease, I will never know the joys of going on a date let alone a failed marriage. I have neurofibromatosis - look it up and come back to me. id take 30 years of normal life than a sudden cancer over being born with something that fucked you over since day one.

Just share your feelings with us and know that people out there care about you.

Thank you sir !