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RE: Bullying Creates Emotional, Behavioral and Academic Problems for Children

in #bullying8 years ago

I'm tiny. And a girl. So during elementary, the name-calling was there. I'm an easy target after all. It started around 3rd grade. Took a vacation at 4th grade because someone was new and had a smaller stature. By 5th grade, I was fighting boys in front of the class when the teacher would step out and exchanging punches because the name-calling and pushing was back. Needless to say, the bullying stopped. And by the time the teachers and my parents knew, it was long over and there wasn't anything to be done about it. On the plus side, no one wanted to get on my bad side because they knew I wouldn't hesitate to hit back even in front of the teachers. But I know there are kids who didn't have a similar "success" story. Really, adults should step up. Kids are kids. They can have the stupid moments and all. Either everyone is too afraid to stop it, or they're too afraid that they join in. As for the bullies, they're probably bullied at home too or have deep issues. So it's up to the school to nip the problem at the roots and work with parents and kids. Because even after everything is said and done with, you can't fix a vase 100% back once it's broken.