While leading a company and unearthing the path to lead us on I also find some best paths for myself as a person.
Finding the best path for myself often comes from recognizing what I might call “bumpers” like we see in bowling alleys.
Only that in life there are no bumpers, rather a person needs to develop a sense for where the edges of the lane really are and the bumpers exist for me invisibly.
I have two really bad bumpers I’ve begun paying attention to.
One is interrupting. I pride myself on listening well. However, I don’t always. And I’ve lately understood a very clear bumper for myself. Interrupting another person.
If I interrupt someone into means I’m trying too hard to get my message across.
From there I may need to set back and re evaluate how I’m approaching things.
My second bumper though I do not do it often, I believe, is bad language. If I curse over something, I am stressed. And though I am often smooth and calm, the river in me runs deep. Cursing is an indication something is off underneath, and I need to step back to understand how to fix the issue there.
Do you have bumpers?
— Capt. Scott
One bumper I've had for a long time was not being able to see things from someone else's perspective. To fight this I started to listen to podcast that had political notions different than mine. This would force me to see things from their vantage point and I wouldn't have a chance to interrupt or rebuke, I just sit there and listen. I've found this has been very helpful in giving me a better perspective on things.
When we are able to see things from someone else's point of view it gives us a better understanding of their reality. We live in a world where there are often violent clashes because of opposing ideals and the inability to see things from the other side.
Wow that’s very mature and a great idea, shows who you are as a person. Doing things because it’s the right thing to do even though itshard to do.
Thank you, @Ned for volunteering your thoughts/vulnerabilities & inviting us to share ours.
One of my bumpers is impatience. As an artist, I cheat myself by picking fruit before it has had time to ripen on the vine (of heart and mind).
Another bumper of mine is hypersensitivity & taking things too personally.
Trying to work through both, on Steemit & off.
Cheers from Florida, Yahia
Jeez, Yahia. You folks have some massive mosquitoes down there. Wow!
Very funny, mister, and not too far from the truth :p
You should see the size of our pigeons!
I also have trouble taking things too personally, not easy to get over this one. A constant never ending battle over here.
I have bumpers. We all do. No one is perfect. Life is all about challenges and our ability to overcome these challenges form us.
You are doing a great job. I am half way out of the rat race because of you and your creation, Steemit. Thank you so much.
I pray for you. I pray that Steemit would soar high. God bless you @ned!
Only 1/2 to go:). Keep the prayers up. If we don't ask, we don't receive...
We all have bumpers in life. For now, a minor bump for me is: I love using steemit and cant help focusing on monetary aspect of it. True sense of joy doesnt come with monetary goal and hence my conflict of interest.
To be honest Ned, I'm actually quite happy you've decided to make these personal type posts.
it makes you real... there is an intangible value to that. dunno if you thought of this as a strategy or if you are simply exploring different elements attached to your concept of purpose. But, these types of things make me smile, because it means that you have at least one foot still grounded.
Most underrated comment ever 😂
thank you the compliment brother... speaking from the heart aided by a cup of wine! ;)
Of course everyone has bumpers. It's a matter of identifying one has. Not everyone contemplates on this, perhaps it comes with their personality. And most of the people who do these are introverts and find value in discovering oneself over others (perhaps being liked?).
Just to reciprocate, one of my bumpers is the want to be liked which has caused me to say yes to too many things when 'no' would have been the appropriate one.
I agree with you @eastmael. When it comes to bumpers.... oh my lanta! I think i have too many to mention. The one you mention....for sure I share with you.
Ok @ned now this proves to a great extent that you are human, many of us have been throwing light arguments about whether or not you are an hybrid (from the future maybe).
My major bumber is; Poor time management, I often engage myself in so many activities at once that I end up becoming almost unproductive with any.
Thanks for the open and honest post! Not something you see every day from such an influential person. I like the bumper analogy. My two bumpers are healthy eating and clear communication. I could almost argue it all boils down to clear communication (or lack of I should say). If I was a better communicator I could avoid the social eating pitfalls that create a ripple effect across every other aspect of my life. Thanks for the post!
@ned whats going on with you today man, did you dip into those SF bud brownies? Have a safe flight home!
Same thinking!
So good you’ve discovered these bumpers about you
You see I take this as good discoveries simply because. What human does determines who the human is, Discovering some things about ourselves either positive or negative helps us become good humans. Once some bumpers are discovered, human I mean good humans tend to correct them and in return it makes such humans better persons .
I discovered some bumpers in myself which I’ve taken the pain to take away and now I’m a better human .
Excellent your message makes us think, because we always have things that make us slow down, but the important thing is to realize the mistakes we make to do that.
Greetings from Venezuela..
We all have our little issues. I imagine it's harder for you as you have put yourself out as a public figure and lots are watching all you do. Stay strong
Not much in life is easy but a lot of things should be easier. Hopefully we can work to make our lives and the lives of others easier with less bumps. There is too much debt ad wastefulness in the world.
Hi sir,this line atrract me greatly,"if I interrupt someone into means....I am also passing through this situation.As you know,my country India is under the process of banning bitcoin exchange in India.Sir i beg your pardon if I am wrong , I had written a post inviting you to India .The link of the post is https://steemit.com/steemit/@maya7/i-would-like-to-invite-some-veteran-steemians-like-ned-dan-to-india-to-solve-our-problems.Please sir ,if you can do something for us,your presence will definitely make things easy.Sir please forgive me if I am wrong anyway, I had thought many times before writing this post,so i beg your pardon.wish you a very beautiful time aheade.
I completely agree with this one.
Interrupting People - Yeah, I do that. I used to wonder WHERE I learned that? Then I went home for Christmas ;-) Thanks Mom!
Bad Language - I agree probably mostly not necessary and I feel better about ME without it..
For me, 2 bumpers most bother, because I see them in others? ;-)
(And I worry I may be guilty sometimes myself.)
a) Those who KNOW ALL - OMG - need I say more?
b) Those whom are Perfect - it is only human to have, and admit our flaws..
Im a sailor too. But moreover my biggest bumper would be whining. Seems liks somebody is always whining about something which...brings out the sailor in me.
Recognizing and then using your bumpers to improve yourself is what it's all about
Everyone does i believe. All human does as far as i am concern.
One thing that make us unique is how we choose to solve them when we finally come across a bumper.
How Mr A choose to solve his own problem will differ from Mr B.
Here comes the word experiences
Best wishes on your personal journey :)@ned You're not the only one with "bumpers" or as other might think of steps for personal growth. I love the saying, there's always room for (self) improvement.
very nice! If ytou added a sparkly steem logo rising up frpom the ground on this and spinnning around like the star from super mario 64thatd be so awesome maybe @web-gnar can do it!
@ackza I LOOOOOVE Gifs! That gif your talking about sounds super rad!
P.S - when will you visit Nigeria? We have a huge Steemit community here. 😊
Great quest!
I like that question
Those words... I prefer to use them playfully. That's not always the case though. Sometimes a thought like that can feel like something caught inside my throat, it needs to be cleared out. Sure, it feels better; but now there's a mess to clean up.
Live and learn.
A note to the ones who are complaining about the blogging CEO of Steemit: You should always be your first customer. And that he just did.
Bumpers. I guess we all have bumpers that can hit you like a container full of rocks. I have been a bouncing ball with PMS that just stopped bouncing not too long ago.
1.0 No brakes.
When I commit to something, I have no breaks. It's like diving into something and holding my breath longer than I should. Ended up drowning myself.
A solution for me: be aware of how much your time is worth and realise you can only spend it once.
2.0 Side-tracking
My brain has no clear map on how to lead a conversation in the right or easiest direction. Instead, when I get really overwhelmed by enthusiasm or passion, my brain simply decides to go full-in-depth about a smaller side-topic, getting back to the main topic when people maybe already have forgotten the main topic. Which makes it sometimes too hard to keep up.
A solution for me was to not share everything that I wanted to share. Instead listen more closely, and reply to the things that actually mattered.
3.0 Valuing myself less.
Everything is fine, everything is good, I don't care, bla bla bla. I always have thought that if someone is screaming for it, they should and could have it. I never understood the fact that when I wasn't screaming I wouldn't be less eligible to have it as well. Maybe too scared to have an ego. Like: "Hey, I want this, let me have it instead of you" is something that is still a huge trigger/bumper. Why would I value myself higher than the other? Do I really want it? What makes me earn it more than the other? And some more questions that ended up with arguing with myself, realizing it's just a waste of time to discuss it with myself.
Solution? Life is so damn short, and be a little bit more selfish.
Obviously, there are more, but it would become a blog post instead of a comment.
Time can only be spent once, fuck the bumpers and accept the success, failure or lesson you get out of it.
We all have weakness, the good thing is recognizing it and working towards overcoming it.
Same on the cussing & interrupting. Often I get too excited & I mean well, but the other person doesn't feel heard & it's challenging when they shut down.
My fear, anxiety & social lacks are big bumpers that cockblock me from a lot of the best that life has to offer. I've gotten too used to keeping my mouth shut & my head down & I'm tired of missing out & being too afraid to live. I wear my depression & disorders like a bullet proof vest; I stay out of trouble, but I miss a lot of joy & connections. I've so gotta figure out how to gain security & open my heart, without placing unintentional hurts in people & myself.
My friend got the same too!
My bumper is always want to take attention by you. I try to make a design about you and posted in my blog 2-3 weeks ago, but I don’t get your eyes yet. This is my design and I know there are so many better designer than me in Steemit, but your qoute is important to remember by steemians, my design just want to help steemians remember that.
I like your art, my brother
Well.... There is one thing I should definitely do, which I don't often enough and I know I will regret: Spend more time with my children (9 and 11 yo). I know this is something unique and will NEVER be there again.
Hmm. With interrupting there can be okay motivations for it I think. If they're being long-winded and you want to respond to a specific part of it, it can make sense to cut them off. (In a perfect world it shouldn't need to happen, but it's not always the interrupter's fault.)
So I think it depends. It could be that you're trying to force your message, but not all interruptions are created equal imo. It can also be that they're trying to take too much attention.
Everybody has bumpers
first mine it´s thinking what i do will have all the attention i could get, but certainly people has their life on their own and don´t really care on what i do.
but that have a positive side, since EACH people that sees my work and my gaming life will be really interested and that´s genuine admiration i really appreciate a lot.
Thanks for reading, cheers from Venezuela @ned
At least recognize your bumpers are a beginning.
Alleviate them is the pursuit of greatness and why not happiness
we all want and cherrish
Of course we all have bumps in the road , no ones perfect and life’s not perfect . Success comes with broken paths , once we cross those paths , we learn from it moving forward . Don’t worry , it happens , that’s why we call it “life”
Recognizing one's own "bumpers" and adjusting actions accordingly, keeps one on the right path.
Sure everyone's got bumpers. Mine is quick conclusion, i'm too quick to make negative conclusions which often spoils my mind. Usually my conclusions are wrong and i begin to blame myself.
A lot of time i have to rethink, to fix that negative thought
This is mine
Aye captain!
The boss himself... In recent times you've become not just a public figure but a role model to many. What you established has changed thousands of life.
My life is a blessing through what you've done. Steemit has turned around to wipe away many sorrows
I want to take a minute of Thanks to you. Don't know if you're a Christian or not. But my God will surely bless you.
Ideas will never run dry from your head, you'll obviously have more than enough to execute wonderful projects.
It's an awesome feeling to be associated with you on this platform.
See you at the top
welcome back sir
I think we all went through this situation, it is very difficult to control the emotions that life gives us.
The most difficult thing is to know if we fight against those emotions, since it can take a lot of energy.
I think everyone has a bumpers. good or bad. so hanging on ourselves to do it. Thank you Capt @ned for sharing.
'Sup bud?
My bumper is sitting on the couch and watching crypto prices. If anyone talks to me, I get snappy. My decisions have become volatile and impulsive.
Just buy them and hold and you won't need to look at them but once per year. A former Goldman Sachs executive recently said he believed the entire blockchain market in 10 years could reach $40T. That's trillion with a T!. If you buy the top 20 and hold them you should do very well! Just don't check their prices. Get on with life.
Now is the time to buy :)
you're going quite vocal in these few days, should I attribute it to your journey? That selfie on that plane?
There are boundaries in everyone's life they would rather not cross, but sometimes we get our feet wet, and sometimes it swim full force against the tide to get through to the other side. As far as interrupting someone to try and insure your message was received, you could just paraphrase back to them your own thought, not what they just said.
First messages are generally short to the point, and then expanded on to get the full point across. When the light turns green we can go. Short simple to the point. Now the questioner ask what does yellow light mean? and what is up with the red light, and if we can go on green then why is that guy in our way? Sometimes life just needs to be interrupted and the person slapped silly with repeated off the wall stupidity.
well, everyone have their own bumpers. even for myself.
My bumper is I try to be selfless and sometimes I can be very silly with the decision I take in accommodating the next person even when it really inconveniences me.
I have taken another silly decision to be there for some friends tommorw and it is a big and unnecessary unconvince for me already!
Yes, when I get overly enthusiastic or really into a conversation, I tend to talk over or interrupt a person. I sometimes try to be self aware, but people learn from knowing me that if I interrupt them, it'S actually a good sign lol
The other one is emotional flashbacks. While I've been able to heal most of the underlying trauma from my past abuse experience, I still get triggered and it can be quite debilitating at times, either I'll feel stuck, really bad, unable to do anything, really scared, or enraged. That for me is the thing I need to work on the most because it prevents me from feeling good and can affect everyone around me.
Ned thanks to bring people freedon and money estabilization.
Mine maybe too shy to interrupt, so I can never get my opinion heard in a conversation :(
This is quite great not the fact that you have bumpers sir (everyone does) but the fact that you were humble enough to recognize them and are willing to work on it, I envy that sir. Well my bumper is pride, i like to always think of myself mentally above other because I'm a deep thinker and I analyze things from different perspectives. So most times I just sit in pride, wait for others to make all unnecessary suggestions and just at the edge bring in my response and pride in my acculades.
I just realised sometimes superheroes do have kryptonites. They need to take a break and rant too. Thanks for keeping steem alive even without Dan. I have high hopes for this platform regardless of the setback that we are facing. EOS has their own problem too even though they are given 1 year of ICO to be decentralize. Crypto is maturing, and all it needs is time.
As for me...i have lots of bumpers..am not like everywhere i good..including steemit...i dont know why.. if i have done anyone wrong in a way... i beg you all to forgive me...because we have a humans..and are one
I am still looking for my other bumpers as of now I am not sure what they are. But I am sure for one, sometimes I didn't before I made a decision.