It my area it is called Rally's. We might have more stuff down here in civilization than you Timmy's people. lol
You guys need less Tim Horton's and more other restaurants. lol
You're a Canadian and you don't like Timmy's? You might fit in better in the USA. 😉 lol
I try and eat healthy although I don't do it that much but I do generally avoid donuts.
It my area it is called Rally's. We might have more stuff down here in civilization than you Timmy's people. lol
You guys need less Tim Horton's and more other restaurants. lol
I’m dead.
So true.
I never go to timmies.
Krispe Kreme has my heart though!!! 😉☺️🤩
You're a Canadian and you don't like Timmy's? You might fit in better in the USA. 😉 lol
I try and eat healthy although I don't do it that much but I do generally avoid donuts.
Haha I know right!
Do you guys have Carl juniors?
White spot? :P
I might be due to a lil trip to Trump land 😉
That’s awesome. They’re so bad for you.
We have White Castle. lol
😃Want me to show you around?
I had a salad tonight. #healthy.
haha you're too funnay!😹
What do you put in your #salad?
I took a pic of it. Check out today's blog post. #suspense lol