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hey lets get the burning of LEO done via smart contract, lets ask @harpagon and @holger32 qabout this! if u check theres a place for 'contracts' theers only a few for now, like steemp to steem and such, we could have a steem leo auto burn contract maybe :D

LIKE SOV! and then steem leo can be deflationary

OR we do EOS-EX list leo on newdex get leo EOS to become liek SOV deflationary with tx fee, and boom we have a rodmap to 41 LEO

This goes BEYOND our lil steem world

leo can beon eos AND get a mobile app

@challengedac guys will help us get our SteemLeo app on android ad iOS they said theyd help others get eos apps on app stores etc. WE CAN have this

$1 leo is NOt a pipe dream

And hey man anyway you could write an article for my SAND token to attract san diego users? I need to find as many as i can hope to see on steem... and theres probably only a few but I have 2000+ INCV to create accounts to onboard people!