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RE: Can We Thrive Without Being Competitive?

in #business8 years ago

I think there are two types of competition: cut-throat winner-take-all, and friendly rivalry. Friendly rivalry can spur both people on to greater heights, while cut-throat competition results in lower quality since the baseline goal is maximum profit (be it monetary or something else). I believe our society has confused the two, and promotes cut-throat competition in place of friendly rivalry. I don't like competing either, but I have had fun working with colleagues who spurred me on to find ever better options that enhanced what they came up with - and I mean 'enhanced'. The idea is to build one idea on to another in order to create the best possible option.


Nothing wrong with friendly rivalry! When people are developing a skill or performing a task, it'll make them want to do the best job possible, if for nothing more than professional pride.

Maybe we need new worlds for competition. One for the type that makes people perform their best and create new and wonderful things, and another for the type that cuts corners in the name of profit and reduces life to the lowest common denominator.