Tips Tricks : Business Model Canvas: What or How ?

in #business8 years ago (edited)


Since the advent of e-commerce, business model became the most prominent among the concepts of management to another. The presence of e-commerce to makethe practitioners change total business concept into a new business concept that is more appropriate.

The popularity of the model business case with many organizations to successfully implement a business model. One of the popular business model and unique business model canvas, i.e. business model developed by Alexander Osterwalder and YvesPigneur. A business model simple, unique, and can be used by many businesses, not just e-commerce.

BMC with a business plan that's different.

Then where is the difference? Simply put, the business model that is an explanation on how your business is making money. For example, you have a cow and how Youcan make money with your cows? Or, do you have the car at home, how to make money with the car? How to generate it poured in the business model. More innovative, then the business model of one person with another person is different. For example, if you have a car, it could just be that one will be made for the shuttle endeavour, while others are made for selling t-shirts on the street, or distributions may bemade to place the ad, the other may be made the driving course. So it depends on the business idea and turn it into an opportunity.

The difference with the business plan is a guide on how to carry out the business so that it can run and accomplished, surely must be accompanied with the business objectives and the reason that this business is viable and able to do. So, if the business model is all about how your business is making money, the business plan (businessplan) is a statement about the explanation of the business which want to do, there is a market research plan, operational plan, financial plan, management and marketing. Business plan is more complex.

Several Factors Of Use Business Model Canvas:

Visual Thinking

The best way to use the BMC is to print a large poster-sized version and paste it into the wall. After that, a co-founder of then using sticky notes like a post-it to fill the9 parts. Sticky notes allow a group thinking because everyone on the team can participate actively.

Iterating quickly

"Iterations" is a process where a co-founder of "out of the Office or labnya" and try to validate his ideas, then back again to the Office to improve its product and business model based on the feedback obtained from the market. With a concise and comprehensive nature of the business model canvas, co-founder of could quickly do this iteration.

Quickly see the catch of 9 business components

Business Model Canvas allows the entrepreneur to visually illustrate the relevance ofeach of the components of the business. Often a co-founder of drawing lines and illustrations on posters to represent the pieces of the puzzle and how they work together. In this way, the team can find the relationship of the market opportunity and/ora unique value proposition. Next, the team can then document the new ideas as a new hypothesis to test the BMC as a new iteration.

It forces teams to succinctly convey his thoughts

Because the information is recorded with the short on post-it notes, the team was forced to explain exactly and concisely what they want to test or follow up on the next iteration.

Visual form of startup business model canvas makes it easy to share them with a partner, co-worker

Because the business model canvas presented in the form of large posters and visual, easy to share through photos or take the poster from the wall to meet with the other party concerned.

Advantage Business Model Canvas

1. Can be used for any type of business model, traveling, restaurants, hotels, plantations, mining and others

2. Accelerate the overall strength and lack of knowing the business 

3. Needs analysis Process and profit is done quickly

4. Mapping the business to know weakness since early and understand the power ofthe business from the viewpoint of right

5. Mapping business model canvas depict systematically the business that can then be used for decision making management development stratejis business.