The Message Today Is To "Measure Your Value"

in #business7 years ago (edited)

Supreme Confidence Comes From Inner Assurance

How do we achieve inner assurance? You reach it by measuring your value and documenting it for the world to see.  Men lie, women lie but data doesn't bs with us. If you can prove that you can provide a certain level of result then you can rightfully ask for what you deserve. 

We Live In A Time Where Entertaining Opinions Override Facts 

This is why this advice is important and imperative to your journey of success. People will discredit you and devalue you in the workplace in order to get ahead. Follow this advice and I promise you'll be able to avoid a lot of misunderstandings and bad intentioned confrontations. Never leave your worth in the hands of someone that doesn't understand what its like to be in your shoes. This never ends well.


Don't leave your fate in the hands of another person..especially if those people are uninformed of your progress and invaluable contributions to the company. Show them your value and don't leave it to assumption. Get what you deserve and don't be afraid to demand it..especially if you got your contributions in black and white. Go get em tiger.


Don't leave your fate in the hands of weak leaders." Oh no the world is in a big trouble!

donald trump? lol

that's a hell of a quote but I don't remember harvey saying that on suits haha

Work hard Dream Big. I totally agreed with you@bycompoundfilms.