essentially simple and as a rule can
be expressed in a language understandable to all.
(Albert Einstein).

A "client" came to the company somewhat confused, after receiving a greeting card for his birthday.
The emotional turmoil led him to "naively approach" this company so that your data was correct; Since I was
happy for the gesture of kindness, and at the same time, something uncomfortable.
When asked what was the reason for his visit, the "client" said:
- Miss, I come for the following ... (He took out the envelope with the card birthday of his ataché):
First, my birthday is not in September, but in December ... And second, that although I thank you for the fact to greet me on my anniversary, I expected at least a gesture of thank you, not a 30% discount for any purchase that I made this month of my supposed "birthday".
Do the clients mean anything?
As we move forward in time, technology is generating new resources and possibilities; and in contrast to this, we realize how important the human being is.
This statement also has a lot to do with the business environment, where people play a decisive role regarding the success or failure of organizations. Even more so today, where consumers claimed their right to choose.
These consumers are the ones who will place the goods and services in a privileged place, depending on the benefit they receive from them; they demand quality, good price and a very personalized attention.
The question Do the clients mean anything? is, perhaps, a compromising question for those companies that have not yet realized what the main or priority objective is.Some entrepreneurs will say that the first objective is to "earn" more and more money, increase sales and leverage. However, WITHOUT CLIENTS there is no gain, no service, no work, no growth.
So, it seems that when you realize this, look at things from another perspective.

Let's agree that if people speak ill of a company, it is simply because they have been treated badly as clients, or worse, "have not been treated."
We are in a new era of marketing. It has transcended from a quantitative facet to a qualitative one: It is no longer "counted to the buyers that are reached", through any means of communication. Now, the objective is "to get the consumer who is worth".
We are, then, in the era of demassing, where technology and common sense have taken a step forward, reaching the minimum market unit that is the "individual consumer".
In earlier times, no company paid much attention to consumer loyalty; nor was it known to happen after a sale. All business policy was supported by a "productcentric" philosophy, that is, where the center was the product.
Currently, technology and information technology have allowed individualized and interactive communication between companies and consumers, managing to specifically target audiences with tight social profiles.
Added to this, the proliferation of the media and the computer network (Internet) opened the doors to the world of information, accessing the consumer to new market alternatives.
The evolution of the market, due to the factors described and the possibilities that these open, were generating a greater demand in marketing. Companies are feeling "obliged" to change or adjust their policy against the sale of their products or services. Those that are still handled with intuition, the personal "feeling" and the survival instinct are being left behind.
Those that advance, implemented an idiosyncrasy of «Open minds», with a projection of the future; without improvising, minimizing chance and, where possible, avoiding it.
The success of these companies is due to an "adaptation dynamic »to the changing reality. Of course, that constant
business growth comes with training of the personnel, of the correct planning and of the "creativity".
Marketing has made possible the management of transforming the client in a promoter of the product or service that consumes, by studying their behaviors and searching for most suitable segments to increase consumption. However, when talking about Marketing, in principle, we think about transactional exchange processes and the importance that the consumer really has as a human being, as an individual, as a unique social unit in the world is left out.
I propose that this new statement serve to include the continuous processes of change, a new concept that let us examine ourselves as people and act consequently with our peers, with different forms to think and feel, with needs and expectations totally diverse «... Treat your clients as Human Beings and always they will look again (L. Bean).
Carelessness, carelessness, bad treatment, discourtesy ... are usual signs and of which there are many examples that
could quote, both in companies and in relationships not commercial. Clear symptoms that we forget we are "people".
Question: What would happen if the behavior of the organizations did not even have the minimum degree of speculation?

Why support @childrensclothes?
By supporting this productive social program will be contributing to a solidarity project for children in Venezuela who have no shelter, food and medicine, will be strengthening the productive apparatus and the ability to generate jobs to mothers head of households, will also contribute to maximize the level educational with training for entrepreneurs in various trends, financial, commercial, business, personalized courses, will also be promoting the inclusion of special children Autism, Down syndrome, and children with cancer that occupy a special place. Preventive measures to care for the environment The use of the blockchain will be established as a technology with purpose, and to empower leaders in action to form their own companies, in a self-sustaining model through efficient resource management.
"If society improves, it will improve the performance of the company. You can not be happy alone, I can not do well in the middle of a failed society "
YEAR 2019. The goal is to enjoy childhood in all its colors, aromas and flavors.

It is clear that the human factor, is the success of an organization, both internal and external, is a feedback that must be carried out for business success.
The clients, fundamental pillars of any organization.