There you are! Glad to see you, been wondering where you were.
I find getting stopped at the doors so irritating. It drives me nuts. Dropping a couple of these punks with a severe beat down a few times would stop this shit from happening so much.
There you are! Glad to see you, been wondering where you were.
I find getting stopped at the doors so irritating. It drives me nuts. Dropping a couple of these punks with a severe beat down a few times would stop this shit from happening so much.
I'm catching up on my writing elsewhere and won't be publishing on Hive as often as before as it's not worth my time .
I was shocked at the theft we saw at Sears. It was like every couple of hours we'd see someone from LP (Loss Prevention) go running out of the video station to collar some shoplifter, and shockingly, most of it was cosmetics. As for the woman in the linked story, you've gotta be pretty bad to get banned at ALL Walmart's. Glad she's behind bars where she belongs! :)
Man I hate to hear you won’t be around as much. That stinks. Where else do you hang your hat?
One place that I'm trying to get going is on Medium. I actually paid for a membership a couple of years ago and am trying some things out to see how I want to present over there. I haven't done anything there as of yet, as Medium is a whole different nut to crack from Hive. I'm doing practice pieces offline as I haven't nailed down which niche I want to target yet. I made just one comment on someone elses article and was surprised at the responses it got. You really have to bone up on things and prep first if you want to be successful over there. The nonsense low-effort "doing pullups in the park" posts and posting "delicious recipes" pics that receive huge upvotes here, won't fly over there. That's a place where long-form authors can really shine. I publish on other platforms as well, so Hive is just one of the places that I create on, but it will always be home to me. :)
Well I hope you do come around some because I enjoy your posts.