lol, well that is the way of mlm... They are great at recruiting, which is usually the issue, they recruit rather than sell because there is more money in it. However, you need a supply of customers, not just recruits who buy...
Well, I signed up under you so I could take a look. Their gold prices are a little high, I would probably need to see that presentation, I can tell you the reason it is high. They are charging you for their basic 1g card $25 to certify it and stick in on a card... I can come within a couple euro of their price adding bonus structure on to the market 1 gram price. The commision is not great unless your organization can sell a few of the VIP packets, provided you bought a VIP packet yourself.
The design your own branded card is a nice touch though, if they were closer to $50 versus $77 It would go over pretty good to brand a steemit one.
Their 100 gram card is not too bad in price.
Her stepmom has since quit as well, she just shows horses and dogs now. (this was almost 20 years ago.)
sir coinsandchains! is your wife interested in anything like mlms anymore?
here is that video about the prices, I don't know enough to know what to think so he convinced me but maybe it's just a slick sales job.
This guy is my sponsors sponsor, he's a big leader.
The video didn't come through. I've known a few big-deal people in these organizations.
what the? what do you mean the video didn't come through? it's just a standard youtube link, was it this one?