Table of Contents
About Terence
Offer to submit customer's website or blog to the top search engines
Offer valuable top 10 lists
Offer your expertise
Offer to write an original Haiku
Offer to review Powerpoint presentations
Show people how to get free stuff
Offer to leave comments on blogs with a link
Be Crazy
The Inexpensive Option
The Arbitrage Method
Creating a title that gets clicks
What picture to use
Creating your description
Instructions to the buyer
After the job is finished
Fiverr Profits X
About Terence
My name is Terence Stamp. I currently live in Beijing
China. I grew up in Iowa, but it’s long been a dream to
travel and live overseas, and I am grateful to have
done so since 2011. I am married and have no
children. Like many who purchase this guide, I have
been in the Internet Marketing niche for many years. I
understand what it means to struggle and fail. It isn’t
fun. Therefore, it is my goal to always assist others in achieving their goals,
and to live a more satisfying life.
About Ijlal
My name is Ijlal Ahmed and I am a 16 year old
internet marketer from Karachi, Pakistan and
have been making money online from January
- I first started making money online back
in 2013 when I was just 14. I first started out
by creating a Facebook page and earn money
through it I sold Fan page likes and slowly
moved onto selling my own digital products
through JVZoo/Warrior+Plus and later I
expanded my business by setting up my own
stand alone website, again selling my own
digital products.
If you are on Facebook, and we hope you are, please join our private
membership by clicking the image below.
There are so many ways to make money on the Internet. It can feel
overwhelming trying to figure out what you should do to help supplement
your income. We all live in tight times and we all need that extra bit of
money in our pocket every month. If you’re anything like me, you have tried
many different ways to earn money on the Internet, and failed. It’s
If you’re not an expert on driving traffic, and let me tell you, there are many
ways to do so, then you must look towards where people already are. Just
like in real estate, it’s all about location. If you set up shop on a street
corner in Manhattan, you are far likely to be busier than if you set up a shop
in the middle of a desert. Likewise, if you can start a business where
people are already shopping, rather than building a website and hoping for
the best, then you’re ahead of the game.
One of the easiest ways to get started making money is with Fiverr. For
those who don’t know, Fiverr is where people go to get small services
performed for the low price of five dollars. Sellers perform these services
and in return receive payment. Fiverr acts as the escrow agent between the
two parties. It’s completely free to join and it costs you no money to be a
seller on the platform. For those who know about Fiverr, but have struggled
to earn real money, I can help you too.
Inside this manual, I provide a simple 3 step process to go from earning no
money to much more money. I make no income guarantees, because I
have no idea how you will market yourself. All I know is you won’t make
any money if you just sit there and do nothing. So read the manual and put
it to use. I know that if you do, you can make life a lot better for yourself.
Let’s get started!
Step 1 - Selling On Fiverr
For better or worse, Fiverr is about
inexpensive. So when you cannot compete
on price, you must compete on service.
Buyers go to Fiverr for fast service, and so
fast service you must provide. If somebody
sends you a message, you must reply
promptly. This is critical when first starting
out, because you have no reputation. Until you get the reputation you want,
you can only compete on speed. Later, when you have established your
brand on Fiverr can you afford to build up a queue of orders waiting to be
fulfilled. Keep this in mind at all times when working on
customer service. You should also know that Fiverr Takes into account
your response time when ranking your gigs. The faster you are, the higher
your gig is ranked.
Anything can be sold on Fiverr, no
matter if it's a product or service. Ok, it
must be legal, but I think you already
knew that. If you're an artist or great
with voice work, you can sell that as a
service. But ideally, what we are trying
to accomplish is to make money and do so by using as little of our time as
possible. We want our service to be easy to deliver and lead to repeat
purchases. It should have a high level of constant demand. For example,
graphic types of works such as logos,
banners,and ecovers.
Content creation is
also big, such as articles and blog posts.
There is a lot of competition on Fiverr, but
it's easy to climb your way to the top of the
heap. Find a service you want to offer that is
popular on Fiverr, and then add value to
your own gigs when creating them. If
someone is offering to create an ecover,
then you should offer to create 2 for the
same price. If someone is offering to write 2
articles, you can write 3.
Step 2 - Tools Of The Trade
Man invented tools to make work easier. Doesn't matter whether we're
talking about hand tools or software. Therefore, in this section we will
talking about the tools you can use to make money on Fiverr. However,
needing tools doesn't mean it should cost a lot of money.
You could easily go to places like Clickbank, JVZoo, or Warrior Plus, and
find software that will allow you to produce gigs fast while still providing a
decent return on the expense. Go ahead, take a look around there after
you have identified some of the gigs you might be interested in offering. If
you want to write articles for customers on Fiverr, you can find some
software to help you do that. If you want to offer gigs with a graphical
service, you will be able to find software on those sites.
Give some consideration to upsell services you can offer on Fiverr. These
merely add money to your bottom line and should never be ignored.
Investing in expensive software tools can be enticing for their power, but
perhaps you're nervous about spending more than $97 for some software. I
understand completely. What if I told you that there is a site on the Internet
that compiles all the best software tools in a single place, for a single
reduced price? Hard to believe I know, but it’s true.
You'll want to pay attention. There are many great SEO tools you can use,
such as
➔ SEnuke ($147/mo)
➔ Rank Builder ($67/mo)
➔ Gscraper ($68)
➔ Ultimate Niche Finder ($49)
➔ Best Spinner ($77/yr)
As you can see, they aren't cheap. But they are the best at what they do.
However, there is a solution. B HS Solutions combines all of these tool plus
many more into a very affordable and convenient monthly subscription.
the tools they offer can be a single gig. Now, it's above the scope of this
book to show you how each tool works. There are plenty of forums out
there that can assist you.
Below, I have provided a picture showing their pricing plans. You can get
started setting with just $40, and the services you will be providing are in
demand on Fiverr. Since each gig pays $4 (Fiverr keeps $1 for itself), it
would take just 10 gigs a month to pay for itself. That’s only one gig every 3
The $50 and $60 plans come with more tools, but there was a limit to how
much I could fit on screen at one time.
I understand that not everyone has the money to start with to afford the $40
or even $60 per month that Fiverr Profits X requires. So you can use these
ideas to make some money, or you can even just add them to your Fiverr
gig catalog. The advantage with these gigs is that they require no money
on your part. I should mention that these all have something in common.
They are services, and not products. With services, you can offer them
three times the value. For example, with any of the gigs listed below, you
can give them 3 of that service for 5 dollars rather than just 1. With a
product, you cannot do that. Another tip that you can use is that with these
gigs (in fact, any gigs) you can offer express delivery for an extra $5. So
you just turned a $5 gig into a $10 gig. With Fiverr, the possibilities are truly
Let's get started with the ideas!
Offer to submit customer's website or blog to the top search
You should emphasize that you will only be submitting to the top search
engines and directories. List them in your ad so customers can see them.
Talk about the benefits such as faster crawling and backlinks.
There are two sites you can use to perform this gig, both of which are free.
They are
html (70 sites)
php (20 sites)
Only use one of these submission sites per gig. You don’t need to submit to
both sites, just one is fine. One downside to this gig is that you have
nothing to provide the customer as proof of a job completed, so keep that in
mind. I would also recommend you use a throwaway email address, to
prevent spam at your main email account. The reason why is that some of
the search engines and directories need you to click a link they send to you
via email. Once you click, the site will be submitted.
A great email service to use for this is You don’t even need
to set up an account. Just make up a name at the time of your site
submissions, it literally can be anything, then later go and check your email
by typing in the name you invented. So, if you chose the email
[email protected], go to M ailinator and enter
fiverrmoneymaker in the box. You can see an example in the picture below.
Offer valuable top 10 lists
I really like this one. You can adapt it for many uses. You can create lists of
top 10 games for the family, top 10 ways to lose weight, top 10 recipes for
soup, etc. You can even adapt this for holidays, such as top 10 Christmas
ideas, or for Halloween as well. I once used this idea for a top 10 activities
for the classroom.
My suggestion when creating this list is to write it on a topic you are
passionate about, or want to learn more about. You can do seasonal lists
like I suggested, but perhaps you might want to do a topic in a category
that has lasting appeal at all times of the year. You can also do a search on
Google for top 10 lists to give you further inspiration.
Offer your expertise
Somewhat similar to the idea above, everyone is an expert in a topic that
they enjoy talking about. It does not have to me Internet marketing related
either. For example, my time in the classroom would be ideal for offering
solutions on how to handle children who are misbehaving and causing a
A great way to market this gig would
be to go to sites like Q or
Yahoo Answers (many others as well)
and answer questions, but providing a
link to your gig in your signature.
Offer to write an original Haiku
This is a fun little gig to add to your inventory. You've seen gigs being
offered where someone agrees to write a 500 word article for $5. A haiku is
just 17 syllables long. They are 3 lines long, with 5 syllables in the first line,
7 in the second line, and 5 in the third.
Here’s one I created:
See how easy that was? You can ask the customer if they want it it to be
about a certain topic, or if they just want you to create one on the fly.
In a related method, perhaps you prefer to write traditional rhyming poems.
You can offer that as a gig as well. Or if you have a lot to say, go ahead
and offer to create unique, fun short stories. The choice is yours.
Offer to review Powerpoint presentations
Somebody has lots to do, but not time to check it all. This is where you
come in. You can have them
submit their slide presentations to
you, or even other written material,
and you will review it to make sure
it's readable, has no spelling
errors, and flows smoothly.
You can then offer them the
feedback you have to help make it
even better. You will want to
perhaps create a few sample slides
or presentations to offer up as an example of why they should hire you.
Show people how to get free stuff
In a tight economy, people are always looking for ways to reduce their
expenses. Or perhaps they are just collectors of free things. It doesn't
matter. You can be paid for showing them how to get free items ranging
from magazines and tshirts,
to software and makeup.
Two sites you can use to give to people are:
You will notice that this site is laid out as a forum with new posts constantly
being added all the time. Take a look around, and see what you can find.
Fat Wallet
Also laid out as a forum, this site is constantly updated with new offers as
When introducing the gig, explain to the customers the different types of
things they can get for free. Try to be specific so that you can catch
people's attention.
Offer to leave comments on blogs with a link
Many site owners want to get the word out about their website. This is
where you come in. You can offer a service where you agree to leave
comments on related blogs back to your customer's site. You can choose
to leave 5 or 10 comments total.
Make sure to mention that you will be offering this service manually, not
with software. Also mention that you will not leave spammy comments, only
topical posts. After you create the comments, you will then ping them so
that search engines pick them up. There are many free ping services, but
some good ones to use are:
When you ping, you need to ping the site you posted on, not your
customer's site. The reason for this is because you are actually updating
the site you posted on. But because of the way backlinks work, when the
search engines come around to check it out, they will see that the site is
being updated and is linking out to your customer’s site, which helps them
Alternatively, you can create a gig where you create a number of posts on
the customer’s site over a guaranteed period of time. Same job, as above,
but only one site instead of multiple sites. You can still choose to include
the ping service as an added bonus.
Be Crazy
If you have any unique talents, or want to do something off the wall, you
can earn $5. Perhaps you can sing a song while wearing a silly hat, talk in
a silly voice, or if
you're great at
drawing, you can
offer to draw them
a custom picture
of them or
someone they
The sky's the limit
on this one. Just
go take a look at
Fiverr and see
some of the crazy gigs on offer. Maybe you'll see something that grabs
your attention. After all, if somebody else is doing it, you can do it too.
The Inexpensive Option
Okay, I know I told you that none of these gigs cost money, but this one
was too good to pass up. With Fiverr Profits X, we focus exclusively on
offering SEO services, and valuable ones at that. I understand if $60 is just
a bit too much right now. So I am letting you know about a site that costs
just $7 for a lifetime membership. The site is S ocial Monkee and it does
only one thing, and does it well.
What it does is slowly adds 25 backlinks to your chosen pages every day.
The reason you don’t want to add more than that is because you want it to
appear natural to the search engines. After 23
days, you will receive a link
building report you can submit to your customer. This is nice, because it
provides proof that we have actually done what we say we will do. They do
offer a Gold membership level, but it’s optional. You can start with the
Silver level and make good money.
When creating the gig, be clear to the customer exactly what you will be
doing: adding 25 backlinks to a specific URL every day for a month. For
every URL they wish to submit, it is an extra $5. Very simple. You can do
this gig and it takes you almost no time to submit the URLs.
The Arbitrage Method
For those who don’t know what arbitrage is, let me briefly explain. It is
taking advantage of price discrepancies in one market for profit in another
market. It is exactly how the traders hundred and even thousands of years
ago operated. It is a great strategy for making guaranteed money, because
you do not buy what you know you cannot sell for more elsewhere.
For the purposes of this gig (or gigs), we will be buying on eBay and selling
on Fiverr. So, step number one is to go to the gifts category of Fiverr .
Browse through some of the gigs that list physical goods. It might take a bit
of searching, but they are in there. What you want to identify is the gigs that
sell physical goods, that have a high rating, and especially if they are
offered by sellers that are top rated. Once you have managed to compile a
list of a few items that meet the above criteria, you need to head over to
Over at eBay, you now need to find the products you have identified in your
list. You are specifically looking for very inexpensive items, $1 and under.
Contact these sellers and ask them if they are able to ship without a
receipt. You do not want your Fiverr customers getting a receipt identifying
a third party. You want it to look like it came from you, not someone else.
The idea behind this gig is to create 35
gigs, each offering a different item.
You are buying the item for $1 and selling for $5. This method takes very
little money to start, because you must still pay out of pocket upfront, but
you are doing so knowing you have already received payment from your
customer. Consider adding this one to the mix if you still have room for gigs
in your account.
Fiverr Levels
There are 4 different seller levels in Fiverr. They are as follows:
➔ New seller
➔ Level 1
➔ Level 2
➔ Top Rated
Each seller level allows you to list only so many gigs. You will have no
problems reaching these limits in my opinion. So you must choose the gigs
you wish to concentrate on, because you won’t be able to do them all.
Let me briefly explain what you see listed in the pictures below.
Active Gigs This
is simply how many gigs you are allowed to have listed
on Fiverr at the same time.
Gig Extras These
are extra options each individual gig is allowed to have.
For example, if you were providing backlinking, they could order additional
URLs for a little extra money.
Gig Multiples This
is how many of the same gig a customer is allowed to
order from you in a single order. If I wanted 3 covers for my Kindle book, I
could order your gig one time with 2 gig multiples. That way it is one order
rather than 3 orders.
Send Custom Offers Sometimes
a customer will request a job for
something that no gig exists for. You can send them an offer to do the job
for them outside of the gigs you have listed on Fiverr.
Extra Fast This
simply means if you have a gig listed that you can
complete in 3 days, or 5 days, etc. they can pay extra to have it delivered
faster, essentially cutting in line. Head on over to and check them out. Even just one of You do not need to enter
Step 3 - Making Sure Your Gigs Are Purchased
Maybe you have never used Fiverr before. Don't let that put you off. The
thing that is so nice about Fiverr is that you do not need to do any external
marketing, though if you do, it can only help make you more money. You
see, Fiverr is a large and active marketplace. Everyday countless numbers
of buyers and sellers come together to make things happen. Opening an
account couldn’t be simpler. You can sign up using your email address, or
with Facebook and Google+. You accept payment by using PayPal.
Your first few sales will be the hardest to get. You're new and therefore
people do not know if you are any good. Building up the trust factor is the
most important at the beginning. Every time you get a gig, over deliver. Get
those crucial positive reviews coming in. When you shop on Amazon, you
look at the ratings and reviews an item receives to make sure you are not
wasting your money. Fiverr is no different. Once you have approximately
10 positive reviews, your sales will begin to increase much faster. Like I
stated at the beginning, it's all about fast customer service and over
delivering on your gigs.
One thing you can do to ensure that you get the reviews you need is to
offer them a free extra service after leaving a review. Give them extra free
services for those first few customers. Sure, it takes a few extra minutes,
but it ensures you are seen as delivering value, it gets the reviews built up,
and it gets even more orders rolling in. Once you get orders rolling in, then
you can modify the gig a bit to stop giving away so many extra services.
But never stop offering value.
Make sure you set up your profile. Upload a photo, write a description.
These are things customers look at.
You're ready to create your first gig. We need to talk about some important
details of doing so. Starting with the title of the gig. Fiverr automatically
places "I will" at the beginning of each of your gig titles, so keep that in
mind when making a readable, detailed sentence. For example, if your gig
is about article spinning, don't say "I will spin your article." That is way too
bland and unexciting. Instead say, "I will spin 3 articles on any topic for you
in 6 hours." Remember what we said about over delivering and being
descriptive? You have 80 characters to use, so make sure you use them.
Google likes Fiverr and will pick up your keyword rich title, leading more
customers to find you.
Creating a title that gets clicks
This is quite likely the most important part of creating the gig, because
without a strong title, no one will click. So I have created a very easy
formula for you to follow as you create your own gigs.
I will ( verb ) ( adjective ) ( benefit ) ( service ) for $5
I know that looks scary, but it’s really simple, so I’ll give you some example
to look at.
I will create a beautiful and touching poem for $5
I will write a professional and informative article for $5
I will draw a funny sophisticated cartoon of you for $5
You can see how easy it is to create a great title that lets the buyer know
exactly what they are getting.
What picture to use
This one is a bit more subjective. You can use a picture that shows your
service. But depending on the image you are trying to convey, it can either
be serious or funny. In any case, it should be attention grabbing.
Creating your description
So long as you follow these 5 points, you should have a good quality
- Introduction sentence
- Information on how you will deliver the results you are offering
- What sets you apart from others
- Your guarantee
- A call to action that gets buyers to order from you
Instructions to the buyer
After someone orders from you, you need to let them know exactly what
you need to successfully complete the gig. You can have a simple note that
says something like:
Thank you for your order.
I need the following information from you before I can get started: - Step 1
- Step 2
- Step 3
- And so on until you have all the information you need.
Thank you, I look forward to providing you with a great job!
After the job is finished
Now that you have delivered their order, you want to leave them happy and
thinking of you. Next time they need some work done, you should be who
they are thinking of.
It’s been a pleasure working on (service you provided them) for you.
Any time you need (service provided), I will be happy to help you again. If
you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask. I will try to assist you
however I can.
If you are not 100 percent satisfied, please let me know.
(Your Name)
Choose an appropriate category and subcategory for your gig. The
categories are pretty well labeled, but make sure you use your best
judgement to place it in the right one. Every gig must have a photo before
going live. Make sure you use a photo relevant to the gig.
During this time, it wouldn't hurt to record a video of yourself speaking to
the customer. Tell them exactly what you will be doing for them in the gig. It
doesn't need to be long, 30 seconds is more than sufficient. It has been
shown that gigs with videos always outperform those without. You'll be
asked to upload the video later during the gig creation process. You can
also upload the video to YouTube which can lead to more traffic via that
avenue. Just make sure you link to the gig underneath the video.
In the description of the gig, you will want to be precise in what you will be
providing to the customer. Try to cover all bases so that there are no
misunderstanding on what you will be doing. It is okay to add in your gig
keywords to the description, but I'd suggest no more than 3 times. Please
also use them in context.
You will need to add some tags to the gig. These are just another form of
keyword as we used them above. If you would be providing SEnuke
services, then tags such as "SEO," "search engine optimization," and
"SEnuke" would be appropriate. Try to use 5 keywords or so for each gig,
and make them relevant.
I suggest setting the duration of the gig as short as possible. At the
beginning, you won't be inundated with work and can afford to work faster.
As time goes on, maybe you can adjust this to better reflect circumstances.
If I were a buyer and I saw two gig each offering the same service, but one
said 3 days and the other said 1 day, I would choose 1 day all things being
The instructions for the buyer field should be short and easy to understand
for the buyer. Tell them exactly what you need from them in order to
complete the gig. I also suggest thanking them for buying the gig in the first
place at the top of the description.
On the second page of the gig creation process you can set up gig extras.
You can price these at $5, $10, or $20. This is fantastic because it turns
your $5 gig into a gig that can now earn multiples of that every time
someone orders. If it eventually takes you longer than 1 day to deliver a gig
due to the number of customers you have, you can choose express gig
delivery which customers can pay extra for.
I believe if you get started today, you can achieve success. What I have
detailed is not rocket science. It is common sense stuff. It’s about giving
value to your customers. It’s about delivering on time, if not faster. Under
promising and over delivering. Take action. Stop procrastinating.
I believe that for new Internet marketers, Fiverr presents a great
opportunity. It costs nothing to get started, you can begin today, and it
requires no marketing expertise. In less than a month from now, you can
begin having money rolling into your PayPal account on a near daily basis.
I hope that you can finally achieve the success that you and your family
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