Find your Master YODA - Mentors are important

in #business8 years ago

If someone would have told me at the beginning of my career to find a mentor for my role, I would have told them they’re thinking wrong and I’d walk away with my own ignorant thoughts. The further I got in my career I learned it would have probably been a good idea to have someone guiding me through what would turn out to be some difficult things to deal with some time. I look back and understand that it’s typical for someone that early in a career to think they have all the answers. Although, that is something that a mentor would be able to straighten up for them. Having a mentor early in one’s career can really help them gain perspective on what to expect going forward and how to approach situations they’ll see in their day to day.

Once I learned that, aside from direct managers, co-workers, and friends, a person needs a professional relationship, I found a mentor. A mentor can help navigate your career with you. They have been there, hopefully at the time that they were there, they had a mentor as well. They have made the same mistakes you are going to make soon in your career. A mentor will be able to tell you the decisions they made and help you come up with the correct decisions you should make. Mentors are easy to find. My first one at the bigger company I was at was in a business development role and we actually were matched by the young professional's program in that company. I was looking for my entrance into sales positions at my company and thought he was the person to talk to. He had plenty of sales experience and sounded encouraged to help me find my niche. Unfortunately for that company, they never even entertained the idea of hiring me for a sales role. If the company for which you work has one of those mentor-matching programs, it would be a good idea to look there for your mentor first.

Once you’ve found your mentor it’s important that you’ve established not only a professional relationship but balance it with either informal settings or a friendly session outside of the offices. It still bothers me to this day that I was only ever allowed to meet my mentor in his office. Had he wanted to go out for drinks after work one or two days of the month, I’m fairly certain I would have stayed at that company. It’s important to have a mentor that not only sees the professional relationship but can open up to you on a personal level. If the two of you are more comfortable with each other, you can share things that tick you off about work without fear of reprisal. Typically meeting either weekly or bi-weekly is key for mentors to establish a bond and understand the goals of each other better. The mentor should be able to guide the mentee and offer different points of view from someone that has experienced what the mentee is about to experience.

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Good advice this is. Looking for a STEEM mentor I am. Maybe you, my mentor could be..

Tell me more about you, and we can see

My name is Tao Of Satoshi. I come to STEEM by way of BTC and DASH. I am the Dash Dalmatian on Twitter (, and I am looking to establish a presence here. I've started a blog TAO'S STEEM ON DASH, and I am getting more interested daily in STEEM as well.

I love Dash @taoofsatoshi . Fantastic platform. You are already on the right path Jedi Knight. Keep believing.

Thats encouraging news for this young Padawan. ;-)

about which topics are you planing to write

My main topics are going to be Dash and Bitcoin. However, I am also considering posting about things in other areas such as sports, photography, life and travel. I like the format here that everything can be mixed together, unlike Reddit which separates the categories.

👍nice post @dragonho , keep up ur work

How about me @dragonho. I also wanted to learn so I can also earn. Im from philippines and english is not my native language.

you are from Philippines, so how could your people benefit from crypto. Whey are you here what do you want to achieve ?

I also ask myself the same question when I started steemit but after a few learning curve I was able to convert SBD for philippine peso, it was a test of 1sbd. What I want to achieve? I want to learn more, I wanna be like lots of people here in steemit who are earning well.

Are you sure Yoda you are not?

Mentor is indeed a big help however things may turn around as well into something bad. Maybe choosing the right person and setting the right perspective is better rather than a mentor. Just a thought.

In the same boat I am, All collaborate, we should!

This advice is golden, If i didn't have a mentor in my job profession I would be useless at it now.
The best type of knowledge comes from experience, and that is where your mentor can teach you the best things.

Oh yes experience and patience

One person's experience can indeed benefit you. But you can run through several different experiences in the particular field of interest, by reading books and pieces in which those people describe their experience.
Is this not more time-efficient than being hand-held by an old sage?

No, because the mentor can also network you with the right people as part of the relationship. it's more 3-dimensional than a book, which is a passive way to learn.

I agree on that, a mentor will introduce you to his peers but only if he feels it is worth that he introduces you to them.

True words. Hard work does it as well...

Could not agree more!

Experience goes both ways. Some of the best things are discovered by taking the leap and rolling the dice. Those who do not play lose by default, those who play by old rules and roles risk losing sight of the prize they are after. Do you believe that you NEED a mentor to succeed, when you have this much energy inside you?

When multiple ways lead to Rome, why not make your own way and your own rules?

I have found that getting a mentor is a process that usually happens naturally. It's good that there are more formal approaches to this however. Most firms assign someone to show a new employee 'the ropes', but often that trainer does not become the real mentor. Most people are willing to share the skinny with a newbie - usually what the boss's pet peeves are, what is most important to do right on the first day, who to watch out for, general SOP, etc. I found that oftentimes, a quick friendship forms around this relationship in a very natural way. Sometimes, however, a more self-serving employee can take advantage, or even abuse a new-hire by gaining his or her trust, then providing false information or instructions for a variety of skulduggery.

yes it depends on the size of the company and the policy - but it is something one can ask when looking for a new position if something like mentorship programmes exists etc. appreciate your comment.

I am looking for a mentor since I signed up a couple of weeks back, maybe this is my lucky comment!

tell me more about you, what you want to achieve , you talk about a mentor for steemit >?

I am from Romania, Eastern Europe. Finished faculty (management degree), and now I am a Vice President in an international NGO. Found out about Steemit a couple of weeks back. I want to start a tech magazine on Steemit. The first edition will go out Sunday, but I need someone to guide me in this journey. Someone who can tell me more about content, added value and articles on Steemit and how can I bring the most value to this platform through my magazine. In the future, I want to feature as more steemit writers as I can. This is just the short description. If you are interested, we can chat more.


I fully agree with mentors importance. We need them anytime, anywhere. Unfortunately, very often people just do not want to share information, and sometimes they simply can not because of their inability. It is not enough to be a professional in a certain field. It is necessary to have teacher skill, have additional time and patience for explaining simple and sometimes even ridiculous things (for the mentor, of course). So my mentors are Google and, of course, Steemit for a while. Wisdom can not be learned, ones have to be found it and acquire it personally.

yes Google is like a big mentor you can ask a lot of things but it is still good to discuss things in person :)

I have too much respect the time of others, so do not want to distract them for nothing). But strongly agree about personal communications. Modern Internet looks like big junkyard - find valuable and not get dirty here has become an art)))

hi i will be featuring this post today

@dragonslayer109 thanks appreciate it

Mentorship is important for many reasons, but the main is that in the beginning nobody knows all of the rules of the game. Only by modeling the skills, qualities and leadership traits of the leader is someone able to reach the mentor in terms of skill and overall competence.

Once competency is attained by following your leader, then and only then should you start creating your own style. This is the path to mastery.

mastery has as well a lot to do with observation and analysing what is going on and not only sitting around and playing pokemon go or netflixing the whole evening.

I would live to hear more about your views

Personally I do not see it so important to have a steemit mentor, but while that might be good and no doubt useful; realistically it will not happen for 99.9% of Steemians.
It is fine to dream some Dolphin or whale might see great potential in you, but it is far more likely if you have enough skills to stand out to these steemians then you are probably already on the way to greatness yourself...
Sure they might help and speed up the learning and rewards curves for you; but why would they? Why indeed; maybe it is some sort of court ordered community service mandate.
Yes; your Honor i completed my 100 community service, i helped someone on Steemit as their mentor ??? Some how I doubt the Judge would tend to agree...
To my mind people are better to form loose alliances within networks to share tactics. No I do not mean voting conglomerates such as if i vote on your post you should vote on mine; etc.
I mean sharing knowledge on what niche things people can collude together in. I am not talking about rigging the system, I am saying i feel i have found a nice time of day for my posts, when it might be more helpful to vote and when to comment etc.
I cannot always be online so others can maybe benefit from my micro insights. To me the more steemit grows and weeds out multiple accounts and bots the more my time herein will reward my efforts; plus I should have more fun as well...
By working together we can make steemit into more than it is today and thus we all both succeed and profit; especially in the long run.
So start sharing your knowledge and experiences in helpful meaningful ways ...
More power to you !!!

Awesome the person who liked my post and commented has the best post of the day, sweet. Solid read I truly enjoyed it, people really don't understand how unbelievably valuable a mentor is until you find one.

If you find a good mentor. One who promotes your growth without worry of feeling inferior. At some point, you will reach equilibrium with your mentor.

and your mentor becomes your sparring partner :)

Thank you for your post @dragonho. With your writing it help me to realize even more that I'm one that need a mentor or more that guide me through Steem success. I found many mentors in this social network and I'm happy of having this opportunity for free.

great you are profiting from steemit and the community

I've reached out to whales and sharks to no avail. I write about my fishing experiences, share my adorable ferret Gifs and even write crypto news articles... but I think I made all the whales mad over some political post, so now Im blacklisted :(

I think this is good advice as it's definitely more difficult to get ahead without the help of a mentor. One problem I see quite often in my industry with young people looking for a mentor is that they try to force it instead of letting it happen naturally. I've seen and heard about numerous young professionals that will just approach someone they don't really have a connection with and ask them to be a mentor. This ends up being quite awkward for everyone involved because the more senior person doesn't necessarily want to devote much of their precious time (of which they have very little) to someone that they aren't particularly invested in. Sort of a catch-22 but definitely best if it can happen naturally.

I would like you to be my mentor.

You don't know who I am. You don't know what I want. But I can tell you, I have a particular set of skills. Skills that I have acquired through a lot of experience and practice. Skills that make me a prolific writer. Skills that would make me a good disciple for people like you. So look for me, find me, and teach me! :)

so write about exactly how you go those skills , the journey

Yes, I will. The journey starts from my childhood. When I was too young. 7, I am guessing.

That is a good start

We all need a rolemodel and someone to lookup. As no one is born perfect we have to learn much from other people. Steemit so far gives me the opportunity to get in touch with many different people and learn from them. Hope I will find a buddy I can share my experience with since I want to be more active here.

there are a lot of interresting people on steem from all walks of life - best to communicate with them is share your story and your thoughts

love Yoda's wisdom 8]

im josh and i really like weed :D

maybe rethink what you are planning to do with your life . But if you are totally into weed think about how you can run a legal business with it for example.

number 1) marijuana has no negative impact on my day to day life at all. in any way.
number 2) you can be successful and consume marijuana i could name alot of people here.
number 3) i already run a legal business in it.

Exceptional post! This is very true! In my life, I've always looked to those who know more than me to teach me, simply because I'd made a lot of mistakes along the way and was warned prior, but never listened.. So I changed my perspective and started letting those who knew that niche information to get through to me, to start influencing me in positive ways and it helped my grow as a person and an intellectual. I can't say I've had any truly valuable jobs in my life that I would've liked to turn into a career, but you never know when you'll find what calls to you. :) Keep up the great work mate!

mistakes are important and this is as well something a mentor tells you and it is comfort to share them with him

thank you for helpful information :)
Hope you do more :)

It is hard to find a mentor, I try to ask the right people as much as possible and learn from the knowledge they share, that way I expand my points of view.

Well, yes and no.

Being a mentor myself in several niches and having found a few great ones so far, there are some tipps that might help.
First of all, finding a mentor is a 2-way relationship. So, the idea is a mentor profits from supporting you in similar ways you profit from them, by i.e.e becoming better at mentoring, get valuable input or build friendships and business opportunities for the long-term or really want to grow a strong community.
Nearly no one is interested in doing the mentoring stuff just for the sake of it.

So, go out and start meeting people in the field of interest. Build your social skills, be honest and genuine and add value to the group you are involved. Make yourself noticeable with being creative and helpful out of true motivation. Not with the goal to finding a mentor, but by showing you're really interested in building and supporting the people and ideas there.
Most mentors are looking for people who have some kind of potential and/or remember them about themselves when they were younger.
It basically generates the feeling of talking to your own younger self in a way.

Regarding questions:
For me it's always way more interesting to not just being asked the same questions over and over again by everyone and his dog, but I really love being challenged by people who have obviously done their basic homework, start to think forthemselves and ask stuff I really have to put some time into to find answers myself.
We all tend to get professionally blinkered in our fields of interests over time. So, finding someone who has new input, thinks outside-the-box and shows me potential weaknesses in my theories/work by asking the right(!) questions is priceless.

OK so here's a question for you. I originally moved to NYC to work in Finance, that's when I learned about Bitcoin and blockchain. Now I'm balls deep in crypto but still need a mentor from a reputable place such as a big bank so that I can work on bridging the gap between old and new financial systems. But no one seems interested in working with someone from the big banks that does blockchain stuff. I'm not a coder but I know a lot on the topic. should I give up the crypto thing and look for more experience just with banking? The guys I have talked to seem threatened by cryptocurrencies and don't really want to help it grow with the great knowledge and experiences they have.

The thing is, you're looking for or think you "need" a mentor. Esp. thinking it has to be someone in finance or banking.
While all that might actually be true, you make your success and advancement dependent on others and narrowing your field of possibilities. You might find a mentor at an art exhibition or a self-improvement seminar or a fishinhg trip. Who knows. It's mostly the personal level where it's going to click. Business comes later.
And that fixation on a mentor is what people can "smell" since there's a huge risk in coming across somehow "needy" and your actions are guided towards a mentorship and not a personal relationship. Mentors don't look for people who are obviously looking for mentors, because those are often the type of persons that are looking for a guru/master even if they wouldn't call it like that.
The "gems" are quite often those simply following their own path and doing what they love, no matter if they are overly successful with it moneywise or not.
There's an old saying: "The teacher will show when the student is ready". Might sound cheesy, but fuck, that's how I experienced it every single time myself and with others.
Sometimes people might know each others for years without any closer interactions, or have been in the same circle of friends since ever but never met. And suddenly, all pieces fall into place.

Everyone I found, I bumped into at the bar with a beer in my hand, after seminars that go over days sometimes weeks, by accident. Or by simply doing my hobbies and making contact with like-minded people. Suddenly there was a hedge-fund manager sitting next to me at an Amsterdam coffeeshop wearing sweat pants, where we first talked about our love for import hash for 2 hours before we even came to the idea of mentioning our jobs i.e.
You know, they are people too with human needs and habits... ;)

Regarding alternative finances like cryptos, yes, mainstream banking is most likely the worst sector to look for. For them, cryptos are the devil, stuff for "consipracy nuts" (their words not mine) or a competition that would make them useless over night... A nice playground at best.
So you might want to look at "fringe" economics (again, not my words) like Austrian school of economics for example or the "New Austrians" around Prof. Fekete like just to give some examples. Some of the most interesting people in the field I ever met.
Generally speaking, every sector has its "fringe" areas that are always a good starting point, since being a bit on the edge of a community, being smiled at by your colleagues for your strange interests etc welds those people together in a "we against the world" kind of way. Simple group dynamics and that's where the spark for passion and inner fire comes from. Not from the fields where every arbitrary college student with blinders left and right tries to make a standard career and is just out there trying to find an investor.
Or you might wanna talk with your strange professor at college whom no-one else might notice and you'll find a great area of research with fascinating possibilities for your master-thesis.
Basically, get to know people outside of mainstream. Great ideas basically never came from those thinking inside the box who are trapped in the system and hamster-wheel. And hell yes, that's though and you will be confronted by a lot of resistance by those trying to keep you within. Friends, familiy,...

But again, if you go there to find a mentor, they will most likely not care since they are confronted with that by the hundreds since everyone tries to do that. It has to be you interest in the topics they put their heart into and even then there's no guarantee.

how hard did you work on it, you want to talk about them to disrupt their comfort system they have been generated and for what they stand for, you have to find a very smart person who is willing to do so inside the cooperate banking FxxxFxxx. You need to start the revolution on your own. What you expect them to do ?

Exactly. That's like looking for a needle in a haystack.

I geuss you might look in the wrong direction. Get back to what it is you want to do and were you see your self in the future. Once that is rock solid you can start to focus on who is out there doing similar things.

Don't forget your far ahead of many people who just discovered crypto. Take that as an advantage perhaps. But at the same time keep in mind that patience is an underrated thing in today's fast forward caffeinated society ;)

I want a mentor to help out here on steemit, every time I post something, I don't get upvotes. It's frustrating to me after spending hours writing for nothing, please guide to the correct path.

so far most of your posts are quick writeups - you have written some posts which are more into depth. (this one is a well research one ) ( your intro one) ` (this is like more or less a rant only) (this one looks like you just copied it from -

  • So tell me what are your trying to achieve - the rest of the content is more or less fragments of content.

Need mentors for many aspects of life. First mentor was my dad... Most people on here can relate to that. Now I'm a mentor for 3 sons of my own. My 7 yo is currently holding more bitcoin then me lol.

Great advice. A mentor is someone that can help you many ways. They may know things a mentee may never have thought of.

yes they should help to speed up things. or give you comfort when you struggle, guide you

A good mentor should have Emotional Intelligence, experience and patience

excellent summed up

I've been lucky. My main mentor is in his mid 80s now.

Important ideas in the article, Thank you.
Be my mentor in Steemit :))))

Shure - tell me more about you and let me see if i can help


looks more like a master not a mentor :)

I myself need a mentor figure, as many who I consider mentors do not have the time to devote to me at this moment do to their own pursuits.

I do my best to help those who are new to steemit and point them to thoughtful, articulate writers with advice about steemit and life like @rok-sivante. And I take the time to answer as many questions as I can, because I know many with the knowledge simply cannot afford to comment on too many posts.

I can only help people get to the point where I am (a slighlty rotund minnow) but with the right mentor, the ideas and creativity I have could be mutually beneficial.

Above all else I would like a mentor I can trust and become friends with. As much as I enjoy making money here, I value the community as much if not more. The ability to change many lives and put wealth into responsible peoples hands is available right here. I love to hear about people paying it forward and using their funds to reinvest and distribute to other users who are actively striving to make this community a great place.

Fear is the path to the dark side…fear leads to anger…anger leads to hate…hate leads to suffering.

My first one at the bigger company I was at was in a business development role and we actually were matched by the young professional's program in that company.

when I switched careers from the navy into Digital commercial ad operations, I had it hard. If I hadn't been lucky to have a manager who wound up becoming my mentor, I would've failed at that job. I don't know that people, at least in my experience in America, are readily able to ask for help, and I think it's a cultural thing. You know, the whole rugged individualism that you won't see in other countries. That mentor and I still hang out to this day, but we're only friends now, as her mission was deemed complete some time ago.

Now a Steemit mentor, I hadn't thought about that...

You get my whole idea everyone needs a mentor even on steemit :) Guding new users

Thanks for the post. Had a few mentors so far. One basically saved my life.
You might find that story a worthwhile read.

I will put it on mu reading list

my old but so much beloved t-shirt)

Your post got to the TOP 10 trending posts on Steemit so I've added it to the Flipboard Steemit Trending Magazine for everyone to see them. Great job!

Mentor ?
I don't think it's a requirement.

What about always looking for guidance from a senior ?
What about self training, ("autodidact " )?
What about listen to others and learning from them every time ?
What about just be cooperative, proactive and willing to work ?
What about wanting to get as much experience as possible and expecting failure and embracing it as a necessary step in personal evolution ?

It's not enough to be socially intelligent and understand all these ? And not thinking about yourself as a slick one ?



Nothing is a requirement but I find it can help one to guide to help one to lay out the way.
Beeing autodidact does not mean one does not need a mentor, as this are two different things for me. Mentorship does not have to do with being slick. Let's assume you run a business and have to make a hard decision or you are new at your job at a managing level. In this times it is very important and can put some burden of once shoulder if one can share his thoughts with a mentor.​

But of course it's easier to have a mentor. And its a better solution because you use his experience so hard to get in a short period of time.
Of course the transition from a newcomer to a senior is smoother ivn this way.

My point was: it's not a requirement. And not easy to find. But always is welcomed, of course.


Great article!! I just did a follow up. It's a personal experience from being a freelancer.

Your post has a Fresh-Koolaid grade level of a mountaintop and viewing please of look out below. This puts the Force level on par with Luke Skywalker and Rocky.

P.S. This is for AI: Is there satire in reply?; Is there irony in reply?What is Mentor? Search:outside the box.

? bot

Oh! Question mark, you don't know if I'm a bot or not.

Well please allow me to introduce myself...(you know the rest of the song)

Doo doo doo doo- doo doo doo doo- doo doo doo doo- doo doo doo doo

Tonight, on the Twilight-Zone, a man , who can't distinguish between and human and a robot.

Well, what am I, a human or a robot? What would isaac asimov say?

The world is bright :) just Turing test


Life isn't always easy...I worked my butt off for 8 months, now I just collect a paycheck. but, off subject I've noticed that every movie has a Yoda. Chubbs was Happy's "Yoda"

so you initialy worked your ass of , and now you are just collecting your check - all at the same company

Well I worked at a startup we were bought out in about 10 months. So now I work for the company that acquired us. ;-)

I've been studying transcendental meditation for 7 years. Anybody wanna nurture one another? =)

it is very esoteric am i right. so your mentor is the guru

Yes, it's a form of meditation coined by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, who was my mentor, Martin Chilcutts, teacher. The maharishi taught the Beatles and such TM throughout the 60s and 70s+

I find it difficult to find a great mentor on steem. Would you have time for a little minnow like me to teach me how to improve my content to align more with steem and steemit philosophies??

Tell me more about what you are plan in terms of what you want to achive

Hey @dragonho, sorry it was hard to see your reply. I just aim at writing good articles and my aim is to earn $1 per post on average so that one day I can take a vacation. I am from India and already write freelance for some other mags. You can view my blog posts to see my quality of work.

I met my mentor at a workshop, and she helped me write my CV, get an interview for a job, and recommended me for my current job. Mentors really do help!

you are representing a good example about what i am meaning.

I really owe my mentor my gratitude for starting my career. I actually am in the job that she was in! Her referral meant everything.

Cool !! Thank you so much dragonho

Nobody invited me to join steemit, well, not personally. I just saw this post in FB and I thought "why not?". No mentor, no friend, no relative, no Whale sponsor of some sort. And, yes, life would have been easier with a mentor.

I understand the feeling of a noob without someone to guide through a new experience or path. That's why I try to help new comers as much as I can. You made a good point here. Thanks for this.

I have shifted my career from being an educator to an entrepreneur. I'm in my late 40's but my mentor is 10 years younger than me. I am not bothered. I want to learn. And I want to earn. And I must say I'm having the ride of my life. More challenges, failures and setbacks. Without a very good and reliable mentor, I would have crashed and burn.

Have a good one!

nice words you write, new adventures ahead is always good and being open.

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