Of course you can, but that approach is creating more problems than it solves:
- Google will see more duplicate content, penalizing the mother site, steemit.com
- As per Steemit rules right now you can only post 4 main articles per day, starting with the 5th the payout decreases significantly (in order to discourage spamming). So if you start reposting heavily, you will not have room for new content.
- The more new content you post, the better your reputation, the more people will be interested in your old content as well. That's the way it should work, IMHO.
With that being said, I'm in favor of repurposing content every once in a while, because you can integrate new stuff in it.
Thanks I thought this would be your reply as I get worried about duplicate content in general I would delete post and only do reposts once in a while, as I have seen other giant sites repost the same old articles too often.