Six Important Cs in Entrepreneurship - Part 2

in #business4 years ago


Everyone!!! I hope you are having a great time over there? It's really nice to see you visit my blog today and I must say I'm really happy to have a great personality like you visiting my blog today 😊. Thank you once again 💕

Today I'll be sharing with you the remaining part of the important six C's which are extremely important in the lives of every entrepreneur. The fact is that entrepreneurs can't really do without these six Cs and they eventually play a great role in the lives and business of every entrepreneur. I will definitely try as much as possible to make this post as brief and explicit as easy as possible to ensure you understand this post. You can read about the first three C's here. Without wasting more time, it's time we let the cat out of the bag. Here are the remaining three Cs entrepreneurs can't do without.

Remaining Three Cs Important for Every Entrepreneur



Capability is simply defined as the ability to do something. The sad realty is that not everyone has that ability or capability to become an entrepreneur. This is why you would've been seeing some people telling you that they can never become an entrepreneur no matter how much you preach to them about entrepreneurship.

Also, there are some set of people who tend to follow or imitate the path of others which sometimes doesn't work for them. This is why you see some people having business failure due to the fact that they don't have that knowledge and deep interest in what they ate doing but they tend to keep following the crowd simply because others are doing it

As an entrepreneur, you must have that passion and knowledge for whatever you choose to do. Always seek the required knowledge and surround yourself with people that will make you achieve your goals as an entrepreneur. The ability to be an entrepreneur simply implies that you have that confidence to be an entrepreneur which defines your level of capability.

In conclusion, most successful entrepreneurs today were actually capable to become one due to their level of confidence and belief in what they do.



The term connection here doesn't means electrical connection just like you connect your electric cables or wires at home. The type of connection being discussed here is known as "Human Relationship". There's a popular saying that birds of a feather flock together. This is trying to tell you that the type of relationship you make matters a lot as an entrepreneur. There's actually no doubt that most successful entrepreneurs will always know each other simply because people who tend to achieve the same goal will always stick together no matter how difficult their goal is.

Connection or human relationship with people will not only make you meet the required people necessary to boost your business growth but it also gives you more winning edge and chance to impact the lives of other people after being successful. This is why your character or behaviour when dealing with other people matters a lot as an entrepreneur.

In conclusion, always ensure you build good relationships with people and always ensure you surround yourself with people who have similar goals with yours because this will definitely help you a long way in terms of your business growth and every other aspect of your life.



The last part of the most important Cs entrepreneurs can't do without is Customer. Customer are extremely very important in the aspect of business simply because customers are the major reason entrepreneurs take part in commercial activities. Customers are those who buy or pay for the services offered by entrepreneurs.

The realty about customers is that the more consistent and productive customers you have as an entrepreneur, the high chance of you experiencing your business growing due to the increasing number of production and transactions.

In conclusion, I guess this is one of the reasons we often hear about the statement "customers are always right". Always ensure you treat your customers right because customers refer more customers to your business.

💕❤️💕❤️💕Thank You for your time and I hope you have a great day ahead with love from @hardaeborla

