Hello steemers!
I just thought I'd share something with you today..
I'm not a whale and I've earned a measly $100 or so from steemit so far. I'm not native in English and my introduction in the introduceyourself category was actually a huge failure..
Despite that, I'm here, sharing this..
(Yeah, that's you.. And me.. Spinning around in circles and waiting..)
I don't care if you're sad, get out there, suck it up and deal with it!
I do this because of one thing. Even though I'm totally new to all this cryptocurrency-things, I have experience as a freelancer.. That's why I know the "ground rules" and I know it works. I've been here before. I've done this before. Even though it was on different platforms. The work is still the same. The concept is the same. I provide content and I earn. Sometimes I'll earn more than others and sometimes I'll end up with a big fat zero. -That's life and that's business so suck it up.
As you should already be aware of, steemit is filled with powerful, high quality content. Anything from "How To-Tutorials" to "Big boobs" and "food recipes"has been covered and you will find a lot of "experts" (by experts, I simply mean established and powerful users with tons of Steempower) each day who produces superb content with LOADS of value.
With this being said, I understand that some people might be a bit anxious to start creating their own posts..
Thoughts like this might appear: "Oh no, I can't write articles!" or "I'm not native in English so I'll probably get mean & nasty comments" No matter WHAT your thoughts might be over this, you are all wrong, and that's why I'm here.
By being an Active user, by sharing your knowledge, experience, tips and secrets you will build reputation and credibility! - But it takes time!
As your username takes people directly to your profile page, people will also be able to find your other posts immediately, which ultimately leads to even more upvotes, comments and earnings. (= REPUTATION & CREDIBILITY)
As long as you contribute by providing high quality content, people WILL become more interested. Hence, earnings will come. So what are you waiting for?!
#Whales & #Dolphins WILL find you!
Best Regards,
Most frustration will simply be the result of comparing values with other posts and become jealously
I agree with you.. And that's exactly what I did with my introduceyourself post. I made $5,96 on that.. And I saw people with $1,000-$2,500 posts.. -Talk about being discouraged for a second..
Until I realized, that I've been here before. I'm not used to get cash for things without value and out of reasons I've always worked hard to reach my goals.. So I just thought for myself, why wouldn't I do the same on Steemit?
The best use of looking at the values of other posts, is to take motivation from them and learn from them. Anything else is wasted energy.
That is true! Use all these "whale posts" as motivation.. Learn and benefit. :)
Great post! And its true, in a decentralized platform the only thing that will have value will be trust! Nothing else will matter, people are too focused on races, ages, trends, groups, cults, religions, etc. Why would we want to limit ourselves that way? Its like they want to break us down in groups so they can control us better...
In my opinion only trust and experience (memories) from people should have value, oh and Steem of course too. ;)
and don't worry about your introduction post, since we are so few here still and not many with a lot of voting power, posts may slide through cracks and get missed. This will all change in time with a larger userbase and balance.
PS. välkommen :) vilken tillfällighet att jag råkar skriva en Steemit guide på svenska tillika jag browsar steemit och läser detta, haha. :)
Thank you acidyo, I appreciate it. I know what you mean. One should never give up, no matter if the introduction post is a huge failure or not. Just keep being active. Comment, vote and create content. That's how you'll succeed.
Så du är svensk? Ballt! Det känns lite tomt om Svenskar här faktiskt. Du är nog den första jag träffar på. :D
Thanks for posting and thanks for being here. I have been in the bitcoin space about 4 years it really is a beautiful thing to see so many non crypto people getting involved. You are right I was surprised by the amount of "thank-you" comments I got, I thought it was all just useless information in my head. The information we all hold can help someone, maybe not everyone but someone :)
Thanks for the comment and the upvote mandax, I appreciate it :)
I also gave you a vote for this:
"The information we all hold can help someone, maybe not everyone but someone". :)
So true!
Aaaand, it works!. This post is worth $327 up to now ;)
Thank you for your advices
Thanks for dropping by with a comment :)
And yeah, it did work and hopefully it will work again, for me and for others! :)
Very good tips my friend!
i've just started with steemit and i hope to be successful here. Posts like yours are of great help.
You are very welcome raphma. I'm glad you find it helpful :)
I just started Steemit, but luckily I have a following on other social media sites. Therefore, I do have a starting point to build from. Nonetheless, your post helped make me feel more confident in what I can do here overtime. Thank you.
Thank you @sterlinluxan, I'm glad you're going to use your following from other sites. It's a superb way to build your reputation and credibility faster. Kudos to you! :)
Thank you very much for this, im currently stumbling to find my legs with all of this, and helpful tidbits like this are very much appreciated!
I'm glad you liked it. Knowledge is power! :)
Thankyou for posting this :)
You are welcome, thanks for reading it :)
Being a "non crypto", this is all a very steep learning experience; but if you consider everything logically it does start to make sense!!
Although it can be a little frustrating!! But eventually make perfect sense. Thank you

Haha, thank you @michaellamden68 :)
Dude, I'm mid 30s. I was born and raised in the USA my whole life. Literally 0 experience with foreign languages for most of my life. I'm just now trying to pick up a little Spanish since I live in a predominately hispanic area and want to be friendly with the neighbors.
That said...
Thank you @williambanks, I appreciate it. Even though I disagree, I still appreciate your kind words. That said, fluent in English or not, anyone can earn from steemit. Both of us are living proofs of that. :)
A good reputation is more important than money! You can say that again, insightful post.
Thank you and yeah, I totally agree on that part. Also, I do believe that you'll be able to make money when you've earned enough reputation.. And not the other way around!
We have many things in common.. not native in English, freelancer; or paidlancer :) .
Get posting don't loose your enthusiasm.
I'm too eager to see what the future holds for steemit. So I'll be here.. That's for sure!
Thanks for the article and the encouragement to us newbies...much appreciated
You are very welcome. However, this whole article acts as a reminder for myself too. As I consider myself being a noob too. I've been here for 10 days or so and I where on a vacation during 5 of these days and came back yesterday. The same day I posted this. Don't give up. That's what it's about!
i dont even make 1 $ on my posts :(
I'll share the best motivational speech of all times with you: (in my opinion that is.)
Don't give up!
i never give up cause im a fucking champion
That's the spirit of a fighter. Embrace it! :)
totally agree with you....
Thank you moneykicks.
Interesting article
Thank you :)
Thanks for the article. It's interesting and actually feels like common sense but only when you step back and analyse the environment. Since you've posted this article your content has done really well so well done. I hope to see more articles from you. Article contruction/length, titles and image guide would be cool.
Thank you very much, I appreciate your kind words and your suggestions. I'll keep that in mind further on :)
hey check out this post