Anyone that does Door to Door for a living can sell anything.
- It takes a lot of courage to beat on peoples doors
- You learn to be a one time closer or you starve
- There is a old saying in Door to Door sales ( Look them in the eye and watch them buy)
- "NO Soliciting " signs are our best friend ( statistic shows people with signs buy more from Door to Door)
- Very good with words and striking up a conversation with a stranger
- We are compulsive buyers ( the best sales people are the easiest to sale to)
Why does it work?
Take a look at Kirby Vacuum in all the years they have been in business it has been through Door to Door selling. When I sold them for over 2 years they were in over 60 countries and slinging sales right out of vans and still are to this day. Warren Buffet bought the company many years ago. Smart fella
<p>Look at Vivint home security another prime example. The owner set up show in Utah and is a Mormon and recruited people out of college. A lot of Vivint sales are summer sales where the young kids sell all across the country and has made Vivint a billion dollar company. Here is a article from couple years ago https://www.forbes.com/sites/aarontilley/2016/07/06/vivint-smart-home/#3cf4d321525e
<p>Going back to the late 90's selling meat for 7 years was fun. I didn't care for the quality but had many loyal customers!<br />
<img src="https://steemitimages.com/DQmNsHZYaACn1Jk7Sh3JTRXszLtrJFAGQprCcUnQS1FvcKa/image.png" alt="" />
<p>People have been buying from Door to Door sales people for decades and it will never go away. It's a spontaneous decision making. People like buying from people they like, in all the products I have sold over the years Door to Door there are many that just bought me and not as much as the product. They just were sold on my story of the product.<br />
And if you have the confidence and the product knowledge you are going to be very successful.<br />
<img src="https://steemitimages.com/DQmQyKXC23PtTuRycmULRzcZtqUAsD3NNchcCKfJCnHvU32/image.png" alt="" />
<p>Here is a good article if anyone is looking to try out the business world https://www.livelimitless.net/what-i-learned-from-door-to-door-sales
<p>I tell my clients all the time " you can watch as many youtube videos that you want but until you get in the field and get your teeth kicked in " you won't learn anything. Mrs. Jones can be your friend or you're nightmare on that work day but it is how you start that door pitch off that could determine what will happen next in less then 10 seconds.
<p>So does Door to Door sales still work?
<p>If you have the determination to succeed<br />
If you have the knowledge of the product<br />
If you can make good rapport very quickly<br />
If you can be a one stop closer
<p>Behind every door is a sale and the customer job is to tell you no. You either eat that day or the potential customers give you excuses of why now isn't a good time. The choice is yours.
<p><img src="https://steemitimages.com/DQmSq5tpzKgodEUVzB73wfWMfEsw9SrMxjV2vLdTntASFbg/image.png" alt="" />
<p>Till next time
I remember the Kirby Vaccum sales men. They really put in a great show. We never had the money to buy one so it was never a temptation. But it was always nice to get a room in the house cleaned.
Inflation apparently never catches up with that industry. I still folllow it to some degree. The factory sells the units to a factory distributor at $400 a piece. I worked for couple distributors and we would sell it for $1500-$1800. Now days it’s still $400 and they selling for 3k In some places.
That is crazy
You don't know.. Kirby was $550 when I was a Area Distributor..
“ area” aka brad
I Still like it when the Mormons come by and I flip open a Playboy and try to sell them the L.O.V.E, self love that is HA
U could do what my dad did... just open the door butt ass naked!! Lol
Trust me, nobody wants to see this naked
Salt Lake City is the city most of them come from. Next time they show up at the door you have to take a pic and make a post lol
Here soon when i am back working oil field
Attitude is everything in door to door
Those steaks look familiar? Maybe KMS, haha
Looks like Chef's Classic... vacuum sealed horse cock..
Prolly stampede or prairie gold
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