4 Lessons to Remember When Starting Your Own Business

in #business7 years ago (edited)

I just watched a top-notch 2 hours live podcast by Moonshots about leadership and innovation, and here’s a 2 minutes reading time summary about what I learnt from it.

Two charismatic hosts, invited four guest speakers — successful #Romanians that had the courage to stand up and stand out, to share their view on #innovation, #business and #life improvement.

A novice to the entrepreneurial life, here are the key ideas that stuck with me:

1. If you’re going through hell, keep on walking.

Boy, it’s difficult to go on your own. Resilience, courage, craziness — you might want to develop these if you want to be an #entrepreneur. By “not giving up” you’re likely to grow, in time, all the super-powers and experience you need to stay in the game.

2. Prototype your life

You might start on a path that doesn’t lead you exactly where you imagined. In fact, chances are it won’t. Have a north star, but keep an open mind, embrace change and adapt — the new paths might be even greater. Use #designthinking and agile methods not only for apps or business models, but in the way you design your life.

3. Risk is not what it seems

We tend to imagine risks and failures worse then they actually are. It might not hurt so bad. What is the worst thing that can actually happen?

Build a mindset to test and learn, not test to confirm, and your perspective on risks and failures will soften.

4. Courage is telling your mom about it!

On the way to building your own company, you might have to give up on a well-paid job at a good company. I know from experience it’s a tough decision to take and it can keep you up for nights. You tell your boss, you tell your friends … but how do you explain the uncertainty your life will become to your parents? Now this is a challenge I’m afraid no world leader can prepare you for.

You can find the full version and more inspirational #stories, on Moonshots Facebook page.

Very new here too :) , so any feedback is more than welcome. Upvote, Follow, Resteem if you found it useful!