Art to Introduce Substratum Investment and the End of Net Neutrality - Internet regulation and crypto investments 💡🗯️

in #business7 years ago (edited)



Substratum is a software that will enable users to bypass possible internet restrictions by certain network providers making the Internet more free and fair.
(Also restrictions caused by the loss of net neutrality - to be discussed below)

First of all, substratum represents a few things, it is an open source network:
• A crypto investment
they released a node in github and a prototype of their product can be installed for our use.

Substratum is an open-source network that allows anyone to allocate spare computing resources to make the internet a free and fair place for the entire world.

What if you could make passive income out of the unused internet connection you have?

Basically it is a piece of software that will enable the user share computing resources in this case internet connection to make “internet free” from any restriction resulting from censorship or regulations and “Fair” to all participants crippling the ability of centralized entities to manipulate or restrict access to virtually any content that they wish so. Source

Art by @jacinta.sevilla
concept by @ankarlie

My artwork represents how substratum offers to take away what hides truth and equality from internet users. This is what happens when there is no NET NEUTRALITY - no freedom of speech, and people who are in power are most likely going to buy their way to more power by controlling what the internet can or cannot show. This can be done by paying internet providers to favor certain websites based on what their interests or motives are.
Similarly smells like politics and business again, but money talks and it affects everyone.

In the drawing, a man is going to access the world wide web, a few characters are behind him, the man covering his eyes represent INTERNET PROVIDERS or anyone who wishes to manipulate the internet:
There are many ways how these companies and even governments do this one of which is by restricting the IP addresses of certain locations source

The other hands that aim to take away the hands covering the persons eyes are people behind substratum aiming to create a decentralized web where everyone can be free to access and publish content.

Discussing a topic such as these will be lengthy but my aim here is to explain simply what these are and give you a picture of how it can affect us and our:

  • usage of internet, accessing websites and the like.

Not many know about this topic, even I who use internet daily did not know about this until I was introduced to it by my friend @ankarlie.

What is Net Neutrality?

Watching this alone can make you think about pros and cons or it can make you realize how the internet is very complex. Knowing about this protects you as a user of the internet.

Although net neutrality in the past was implemented in the US, not all countries have the same internet rules and policies like how in some countries the access and use of websites are controlled and blocked from the people.

But then again we must consider how we are all internet users and the internet is a global thing. It will have a domino effect on us.

Let us consider the following points about this law.

Net neutrality does the following:

Protects freedom of speech by permitting equality/access to all internet websites hence users will be allowed to use, gain access, publish, upload, share, connect, learn, be influenced and influence others by being active online in websites they choose to visit or be part of.

• ‎Protects internet users of their right to use internet freely This means no data restrictions, capping or overcharging of internet subscriptions to the ISPs.

• ‎Provides equal and better access to websites without having to pay more. This makes sure ISP's or internet service providers cannot block, limit the speed, access, quality of or hide a particular website from us internet users. Therefore we can say, nothing is hidden from us and nothing can be denied to us since there will be less censorship, cost and more freedom.

  • Net neutrality ensures that ISPs/net providers provide access and equal speed for all websites.

While others debate how some website's speed would be limited, or having more rstrictions - there are more pros than cons here. Watch:

Net neutrality is the principle that Internet service providers treat all data on the Internet the same, and not discriminate or charge differently by user, content, website, platform, application, type of attached equipment, or method of communication.[4] For instance, under these principles, internet service providers are unable to intentionally block, slow down or charge money for specific websites and online content. This is sometimes enforced through government mandate. - source


Unfortunately net neutrality is coming to an end. The present administration of the US has repealed net neutrality and this law will no longer have any legal force.

How the end of net neutrality could change the internet

The internet will change drastically. Who knows if your favorite website will be cut off by your service provider just because they are not paying enough or you cannot pay enough, or if they don't feel like it is to their liking/advantage.

Art by @jacinta.sevilla
Concept by G.B

How can I use substratum to my advantage?
This is my second artwork, this is a man who paid to access the web, as we all do.
We often are promised unlimited access as we pay Internet providers but we are blind about restrictions and bias they have.

Social media is very influential, and we can be sure that so many people want to hold that power. Hence the puppetry and cash portrayed.

As I mentioned before, you can invest and install substratum.

View this post by @ankarlie to view exact instructions:
Images sourced from the text
SUBSTRATUM: New Passive Income Utilizing your unused internet connection
✔️Substratum is a decentralized web
✔️New sites and apps are added to the web and can be viewed like a normal browser
✔️Everyone can publish their website or app on the decentralized web
✔️there's no single authority delivering or monitoring content, censorship and geo-restricted sites won't be an issue on the decentralized web. It doesn't matter where you live or what content you're accessing, everyone in the world sees the exact same content.
💡 Staying connected helps you earn
💡 Browse without restrictions
💡earn and trade decentralized crypto

all information presented is the writers opinion, personal art and viewpoint of the subject matter. Please refer to given resources for more information.


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I like these ideas. There's at least 10 hours of daytime that our internet isn't used - so things like this I'll love :)

Oh nice yes thats good :)

@jacinta.sevilla I'm interested in this now - thanks for the info :)

You're welcome! :)

Wow! Very creative idea of giving information about Substratum and explaining Net Neutrality. Great work friend @jacinta.sevilla

Thank you so much! :D glad you like it :D

You nailed it Ja!

Hope it makes sense. Thanks :)

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so funny post mam.

Lol haha okay

nice game..

nice work on the explanation, particularly with some artistic touch as well :)

Thanks so much!!! :)

Hello @jacinta.sevilla, thank you for sharing this creative work! We just stopped by to say that you've been upvoted by the @creativecrypto magazine. The Creative Crypto is all about art on the blockchain and learning from creatives like you. Looking forward to crossing paths again soon. Steem on!

Thank you very much!!!!

It's still sad how they are controlling our information flow.
Thanks for sharing some knowledge!

Yes in many ways they are. Everything is like that nowadays :(

And you're welcome