Just like Gravity is one of Nature’s Laws, so is the Law of Sowing and Reaping.
1. Whatever you sow you will reap
If you sow corn, you are going to harvest corn not tomatoes or peaches but corn only. Whatever you need in life, sow that. If it is that you need more love in your life, give more love to the people around you. If it is business that you need, sow some business to others. If it is more positivity you need, be a more positive person. If it is money you need, sow some money to people in need or a charity or your church. The specific thing that you need, sow that. It is also true that if you sow anything negative you will also reap that!
- Let’s do a small experiment, go down to the mall walk around and smile at every one you see, now see what happens.
2. You first have to sow before you can reap
I always say if you reap before you have sowed you are stealing. If you want to harvest corn you cannot go to your neighbors’ corn field and help yourself to his corn. If you do, you are stealing. You first have to buy the seed, then go and plant it and then only can you harvest it.
- With our experiment you will quickly see that you have to first have to smile before you will get smiles back.
3. You always reap more than what you sow
If you sow 1000 corn seeds you are not just going to harvest 1000 seeds back, but much - much more. You will properly get a 1000 corn plants that will each yield 1000 seeds that is a 100-fold return.
- With our experiment you will harvest a lot more smiles than what you gave.
This is one of nature’s Laws and we can’t change it, just embrace it and let it work for you.
Thanks jan ... tru words and surly something we must ponder on and keep formost in our minds.
If only more people can appreciate this fundamental law. We live on an era where people are spoiled with instant fixes and remedies. We fail to do the work that is required to accomplish lasting results.