The Ultimate Guide To Becoming A Social Media Influencer – Part 3

in #business7 years ago

Social For The Win!.jpg

One other key aspect to becoming an influencer is networking like a boss. Look at anyone influential, and you’ll see they all have one thing in common, no matter what their niche: they have a huge network of connections.

Because of that, everyone wants to know them. If you don’t have any, then you can’t just sit on the couch and hope – you’re going to have to get out there. Find key events for your industry and be there – and always be active on your “online scene” too. Be visible, be helpful, and be knowledgeable.

While you’re at it, having an online home website or blog – or both – is essential. Sure, you might be a social media influencer, but you’ll need a webpage for people to visit as you go there. More than just a page you can call yours, it’s also a great place to promote as well as have a cause.

Just remember – you need content for it, and high quality content too: influencing is no game for slackers! This brings me to a serious point that many “wannabes” forget: you need to provide value to the conversation.

That’s it.

Without this, no influencers or important people will notice you, nor will your fan base grow. Your value creates fans, and fans in turn give you value. If this sounds a little parasitic on both sides, then it kind of is: but the key thing to remember is that you can relax a little once you’re at the top – but never stop providing value, or you will find yourself slowly drained of followers… and shortly after, your own value as an influencer.


The information is very intetesting and sustainable.
Thanks for the share

Very helpful guide to be success in business. Thanks for the part 3 of the ultimate guide to becoming a social media influencer.

Actually, you are a generous man. Social media gives us many thinks Good job friend greetings!

Very helpful guide to be success in business.

The information is very intetesting and sustainable.

Actualy you are a genious man. Social media gives us many thinks. And i like your post. Thanks for sharing my big bro.

The post on its own is indeed a glaring confirmation of how success can be achieved through the social media. Kudos boss

Good job friend greetings!
