How To Improve Your Linkedin Marketing And Results

in #business7 years ago (edited)

Hey there welcome. Thank you so much for popping in. This is Michael Carter here. Now we're looking at how to improve your linkedin marketing and your results.

Linkedin is the professional social networking site. So it's the most commonly used networking site for businesses and business professionals on the Internet today.

Now if you're looking to increase your business connections this is where you want to be folks not only are there job seekers and employee hunters using the site to meet their own needs. But small businesses are using it to connect with bigger businesses and other like-minded professionals.

Guys, you got to be here now when you're trying to market yourself on LinkedIn. There are some things that you can do to increase the number of potential connections that you're going to make. So you need to market yourself in a way that can generate more traffic to your website.

Now the following methods that I'm going to reveal to you can help you market yourself better on LinkedIn. So number one numeral UNO search for an audience. There are a ton of opportunities to search on LinkedIn. Now you can use the search feature to find people businesses jobs companies if you want. Or any other way that you can think to search.

Now once you know who your target audience is you can then narrowed down individual profiles and connect with others that can potentially bring you traffic leads sales and all of the above.

So number two very important use images. Your LinkedIn profile is where all the action is going to be. So you need to really put everything you've got into it. You want to place high-quality images and graphics on it as well as video links if you have them and screenshots or other media to draw attention to it. When people visit your profile you really want to stop and think What do I need in this acquaints. That's what you want people to do they want to see you in your best light.

Number three showcase your qualifications. So you can use a showcase page to create a two column feed for your skills and qualifications. You can add anything related to your business that you want. Just be sure that it's intriguing enough to catch the visitors attention.

Number Four keyword optimization. You want to search and use highly relevant keywords and keyword phrases in your profile and your descriptions. You can use them in your posts and other information in order to help your pages get ranked on the search engines.

Number 5 join group discussions. There are several ways you can interact with other people on LinkedIn. Now one very direct way is to join in on the group discussions that take place. There are tons of them that are geared towards specific topics so you can join the ones that you can contribute to the most and just provide really good information. Not only does it help people to find you and help you establish yourself as an expert in your field.

So number 6 tagging connections and when you write a post that is of significance to your niche you actually have the ability where you can tag your connections that mention you in the post. So this can be a handy way to let them know how highly you think of them but you should not tag them in every post because they're going to get an email notification every time you do so you don't want to do that right. The one way around the notification is to simply write posts on many different people.

So number 7 sponsored updates. You can also set yourself up with Sponsored Updates through their advertising department by using this feature. You will be featured across the network and the web so this can help you generate high-quality leads and increase the R.O. I. for your campaign. Now when it comes to marketing yourself LinkedIn really is the best place to do it.

They're all about helping people to actually connect on a professional level. So, therefore, they provide you with the most comprehensive way to share your business information with most people so you can really make a lot of great business connections on LinkedIn.

I really encourage you to go get set up probably take the time to make your profile really great use great images and start connecting with great people. It's going to help you can make more sales more leads and smile on your face. All right so that's it for me. Michael Carter, We'll see you next time.

This video is courtesy of Michael Carter from

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Thank you for this post

Wonderful tips. Highly informative my dear. I will give it a try.


Nice piece bro

its very helpul info..
thanks for sharing....Wow Wonderfull post dear @jimmy..

its very helpul info..
thanks for sharing....Wow Wonderfull post dear @jimmy..

Wonderful tips. Highly informative my dear. I will give it a try.

Thank you @jimmy147 for sharing knowledge.

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great post. it really helps.

Great post


Great post

good post
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great tips about linkedin. thanks for share.