Journey Your Dreams

in #business8 years ago

Journey Your Dreams

In life there may be many journeys, not all of these journeys will be successful as some no doubt will leads to no where, but at least one will lead us to where we want to go. All our journeys will start with a dream and vision. The dream will be more of an end result, where we want to be and the vision is about moving the essential elements require to achieve that dream through a guided path so to gain the desire end result.
Everyone is allow to dream their dreams, but dreams without actions will never manifest and the manifestation of our dreams presents us with our desire fulfilment.

Being a visionary is fundamental to our success, as it give us clear focus and guide us in directions that we need to go. As a visionary we see the future, hence the bigger picture. We know what the end looks like, so we take lead in developing the desired path that lead to success, hence the wealth that awaits us.

So what am I talking about?

Steemit present us with a platform huge amount of money in the form of steem dollar, but this is not an overnight flight and there no guarantee that we all will gain enough, to feel sufficiently rewards. In Steemit like everything we do, we need to have a winning strategy. For me a winning strategy could be about writing and posting relevant article that people want to read. They want to read them either because they are interested or those posting support a purpose that support those reader's needs.

So I want to be successful and gain steem dollar wealth being my dream and as visionary, I action my dream through a defined path in writing the perfect articles, so enough steemers who like my posting because they are either interesting or support their own goal can upvote my posting, the desired result is achieve.
Success is about achieving our goals and wealth more than material things, it also contentment and fulfilment.

Start with a dream, Be a visionary, Succeed