This is an Excerpt of Simon sinek ( Writer) speaking about us, the Millennials in the workplace of today, from an episode of Inside Quest with Tom Bilyeu, i found that video truly interesting and not wrong at all. What do you think, Simon say right things or not?
I have upvoted and followed you hope i will get some valuable posts from you.Hi, I am @wajeeha12..
I think he's nailing it pretty much tbh. I realised these things about myself a few years ago and felt the need to just let go of a few expectations about how the world should be.
I have always been a big fan of Simon. Read his book "Start with why" and taken a few of his courses. His TED Talk (linked below) is one of my all-time favourites which I must have watched at least 5 times. If you haven't seen it already I highly recommend that you do :) Not only is it great if you're going to hold presentations, but also to be more effective at communicating and absorbing new information.
Anyways I'm glad to see someone else sharing this here :) upvoted the post, followed you, and hope to have some fruitful exchanges with you on this topic! :)
I can not thank you enough for posting this video. I anticipate viewing a few more times too.
I can't disagree with anything he says regarding millennials. I note he focuses a lot on mobile phones and I have to say I don't think we have yet realised the damage these have caused - not the phones themselves; rather how people have used them.
No generation is without flaw: I would be interested to see his take on previous generations.