How the fuck - to actually find a mentor? (Part 2)

in #business9 years ago

This is a 2-Part follow-up post, re: "Find your Master YODA - Mentors are important" by @dragonho

That being said, let's be straight forward and jump right into Part - 2 from where we left.

Step 3 - "Likes attracts likes"

Yeah, that phrase of "Likes attracts likes" might sound cheesy as fuck, but that's how I experienced it over and over again.
True - Most mentors are looking for people who have some kind of potential... And you think you have potential. But the thing is, there are millions and billions of people out there who have some kind of potential. So what?
What a lot of mentors look for, is someone who (sub-conciously or not) reminds them of their own. Of the time they grew-up, argued with their asshole of a boss and having to face similar challenges of life.
Why? Because they have been through those situations and found strategies that will most likely be exactly what YOU need! Their benefit? It basically generates the feeling of talking to a younger version of themselves which can hold an immensely therapeutical benefit!
Don't underestimate that. It's one of the most powerful driving forces I've come across both for myself and my mentors. And nearly everytime I entered a mentor-student relationship in whatever constellation, our life-stories had crazy similarities, that enabled the two of us to connect deeply, help and understand each other way better than anyone else could.

One of those mentors really saved my life last year with a simple sentence he kept pondering over a month, again and again until I got it.
How did I bump into that guy? I was trying some strange form of Indonesian meditation called Latihan by a friend of mine. I attended some of her classes for a year every now and then, until her long-distance partner came over from the US for a visit who 20 years ago basically invented that modified style she was teaching.
Due to my interest and experience in hypnosis for nearly a decade, I was able to help him crack an issue he had all this time I wasn't even aware of, simply by observing the similarities between effects of the trance-states and just suggested some minor tweaks while waiting in front of the toilet next to him. BANG!
I had his attention that in return turned my life upside down.

Read here:

Step 4 - "The teacher will show when the student is ready"

A fixation on searching for a mentor is what people with a bit of experience in  socializing can "smell", since they too might have been there in the past having done the same. There's a huge risk for you in coming across somehow "needy" when your actions are solely guided towards a mentorship and not just being open to meet every person on a human, eye-to-eye level.
The "gems" of fruitful relationships are quite often found in those people who simply following their own path and do what they love, no matter if they are overly successful with it or not.
Simply ask yourself, what do you appreciate in friends and other humans in general? How do you want to be treated? Use common sense and act accordingly. ;)
Once you get that, people will show up in your life that feel valued and will be willing to give that back to you.

For me, I always love being challenged by people who have obviously done their basic homework, start to think for themselves and ask stuff I really have to put some time into to find answers myself.
We all tend to get professionally blinkered in our fields of interests over time. So, finding someone who has new input, thinks outside-the-box and shows me potential weaknesses in my theories/work by asking the right(!) questions is priceless.

Generally speaking, every sector has its "fringe" areas that create friction and tension where gigantic potential often lies barren, unused due to stubborn trench warfare between opposing sides...
Those minefields are always a good starting point, since being a bit on the edge of a community, being smiled at by your colleagues for your strange interests welds people together in a "we against the world for the better of humanity" kind of way.
Simple group dynamics and that's one main source where the spark for passion and inner fire comes from.
NOT from the fields where every arbitrary college student with blinders left and right tries to make a standard career and is just out there trying to find someone pushing them forward.

Next time, you might wanna talk with your strange professor at college whom no-one else might notice instead of hanging out with the same old guys playing video-games and maybe you'll find a great area of research with fascinating possibilities for your master-thesis and a motivated professor who's looking for an assistant?   

So to put it into a nutshell

Man, basically it's all about getting to know people outside the path of mainstream no matter where or how, as often you can.
Great ideas  never came from those thinking inside the box who are trapped in the system and hamster-wheel. And  yes, that's though and you will be confronted with a lot of resistance by those trying to keep you within. Friends, familiy,...
You might even lose your job like I did:

Once through that wild ride of thinking you might have found the one and only absolute truth, you will finally grow out of that ever present duality and start to notice opportunities by combining different ideologies, ideas and concepts in ways no-one ever thought before.

And that's where the REAL Yodas come in in ways you can't even imagine yet! 


[  / Dickenson V. Alley  / Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license] 


For Part - 1 of my post, click here: