delicate subject which has not one right way of doing. I definitely do not want to get away from tax but at the same time it has to make sense for me and my business otherwise we have lawyers which can assist me. It is still very difficult to predict but I don't believe one country is far ahead than the other as each country has their own tax law. You can see differences between South Korea , Thailand, India and China as examples, each of these countries approaches crypto differently. It mighty be that when cryptocurrencies is truly a currency that can effectuate transactions directly that it will become necessary to declare everything that you earn independently in which currency. So far in my case, crypto does not assist my business in anything really financially speaking. I agreed with you there are steemians who earn 10K in a single month, and I wish them wealth, I am not here to worry about who pay their tax or not, everybody mind their own businessThanks for your reply @surfermarly My research was not Google based, it was more debates with colleagues who works with accounts and solicitors. That's not true as you mention is relative as I am not here telling you lies or what is not true. I am just interacting with you in a , when I mention it I was referring to minnows as I am #lol <3
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