Everyone, at some point in their lives struggles. Some struggle for years and others for just a few months. Whether you’re an entrepreneur or not, we all face difficult times. And for most, establishing a simpler, smoother life becomes a huge priority in the face of adversity. I believe in the opposite. I believe in the struggle, the discomfort that is brought upon by over stretching your own ability. Having dreams and ambitions that far surpass what others perceive you are capable of.
It’s eerie the level of prediction Elon Musk was able to achieve with his Master Plan back in 2006. His commitment to providing a brighter future and his ambition to do so seems unbounded, limitless almost. Now many people have written and discussed Elon’s brilliance, so i’m not about to do the same. For me, as a small business owner I can completely relate to the struggle. Despite the fact our struggles couldn’t be further apart on the spectrum, it’s comforting to know that it’s perfectly rational to have a boundless ambition.
I have a saying
"Not because you want to, but because you need to."
The path you choose in life should be the path of least resistant to your true self. Who are you? What do you care about? What purpose or cause compels you?
It’s okay if these questions are difficult to answer, they should be! I’ve still not truly got past the first one, I just know I want to make a difference. I don’t know to whom, or in what capacity. I just know that I think my life should be dedicated towards a higher goal than my own selfish desires. I’ve not been on a true vacation in almost 10 years (the last was for my sisters wedding) and I don’t feel like I deserve a break. I’ve not affected the lives of others, in a way I see fit enough to warrant a week or two of relaxation. This isn't to say I’m selfless, not at all! Just as a macro during your lifetime the graph should be in favour of doing good.
Elon Musk confirmed me of this through his own actions following the sale of PayPal. With arguably a net worth of around a billion dollars, Elon risked everything to fund SpaceX and Tesla…and I mean EVERYTHING! It takes a special type of person to do that, not just to risk a little bit, or make a few investments, but to put it all on the line in pursuit of a dream.
We all need to get to that place, to that level of conviction in our own ideas and abilities.
To follow a dream you first need to know about it. This is the most difficult part I think. Than focusing is already much easier.