Mentorship, Coaching & Personal Development

in #business6 years ago


It’s hard to believe now but I wasn’t always a positive person. I spent most of my childhood being bullied and pushed around and for a long time I let those experiences negatively impact my life. When I was introduced to entrepreneurship, I was faced with a very important decision. I could dwell in my negative state forever or I could change and embrace positivity. It wasn’t long before I made the transition from a broke and angry college kid to a positive and successful businessman. How did I do this?

I began reading books, attending conferences and seeking out mentorship from successful and positive business people who were living the life I wanted to obtain. I became a student of positivity and practiced being positive daily by implementing everything I have taught you in this book. Over the years I have spent a lot investing into myself by hiring coaches, mentors, and attending leadership conferences. I bought lunch for successful people so that I could pick their brain for an hour. I purchased book after book that I knew would help further develop me. At the time, it was a stretch financially, but I knew it would pay off in the long run…and it absolutely did. My point in telling you this, is don’t be afraid to invest in yourself!

To recap, remember to practice the most important steps I’ve introduced to you in my previous posts:

  1. Write down at least 10 positive
    affirmations that you wish to achieve and practice saying them out loud daily, for at least 30 days. Find out for yourself how quickly you can turn your mind and life around.

  2. Use the perfect day exercise I have provided you and believe that your thoughts will lead you to the actions you need to take to achieve your goals.

  3. Surround yourself with positive people.

  4. Find a mentor, and/or hire a coach.

Step 4 is what this blog is all about. Seeking out people you can learn from and surrounding yourself with positive, successful people will affect your own success in a positive way. One of the best places to start is finding a mentor. A mentor is a wise and experienced person who has been where you are, knows what you’re experiencing, and knows how to help you overcome your situation and achieve your goals. They have already overcome their own difficulties and become successful, and will be able to help guide you through the process. A mentor is someone who wants to help you succeed.


The Power of Finding a Coach

Finding the right mentor isn’t about just tracking down someone you admire and asking advice. Finding the right mentor is about finding someone who’s tasted failure, overcome it with positivity, and now dwells in success. A good mentor will know the ins and outs of the industry you want to get involved with and be willing to foster a real relationship with you while assisting you on your journey. You should seek out someone who can connect with your vision and what you want to accomplish.

I know what it’s like to be on the outside looking in. But I also know what it’s like to be at the top. Would you like to:

 Start moving forward?

 Improve your own performance and the performance of your team?

 Communicate and delegate effectively?

 Stop feeling overwhelmed and out of control?
Many entrepreneurs develop their businesses and get plagued with issues they don’t know how to solve. For example:

 Do you want to take your business to a new level but don’t know how?

 Are you working too many hours week after week?

 Do you get nervous when you think about delegating tasks and just try to handle everything yourself?

 Is your business running you instead of you running your business?

These are common issues that all entrepreneurs must face. If you’re ready to make changes and think positive and start moving forward, then finding a mentor is your next step. I provide business and leadership coaching services to entrepreneurs and executives seeking greater control and freedom. I’ve faced every one of these problems and I have overcome them with positivity and moved on to great success. I want you to feel what it’s like to be an expert at creating change and attracting positivity into everything you do. I am available to help coach you to be the entrepreneur you have always wanted to become.

Personal Development

If you have a desire for personal development and peak performance, take the next step toward creating lasting change. As an entrepreneur, you are going to want to make the most of your time and money. Working with a coach will help you learn how to make the most of each. You should also be prepared to dedicate a budget to items that will help you get started in your pursuits. You don’t just buy a surfboard and know how to surf; you need to hire an instructor to teach you how. The same principle applies to becoming a successful entrepreneur. It’s important for you to take the time and invest into developing yourself. There are several ways to do this, all of which I recommend.

  1. Read books. Get your hands on
    everything you can find related to
    entrepreneurship, developing a
    business, time management and self-confidence. Successful entrepreneurs are students who constantly seek knowledge.

  2. Invest in some type of audio (CDs,
    DVDs, etc.) as a tool for practicing positive affirmations. Listening to positive affirmations and repeating them habitually will help you train your mind to operate positively no matter what situation you are faced with.

  3. Attend entrepreneurial and positivity
    conferences. This is one of the best investments you will ever make. Attending conferences gives you the opportunity to network, get a step ahead of the competition, and surround yourself with positive and successful people that will have a great impact on your life.

  4. Hire a coach.


Hiring a Coach

The most successful people in the world today have a mentor and/or a coach. A life and business coach will help push you farther than you ever thought possible and will help recognize your potential. A good coach will:

 Offer encouragement and accountability to get you to work hard and maximize your peak performance

 Enhance your performance through sharing skills they learned themselves and the expertise they developed when they were in your shoes

 Offer realistic and honest assessments of where you are right now and what you can do to improve

 Help you identify your strengths and weaknesses and show you how to use them to your advantage

 Help you brainstorm, plan, and change for the better.


All images used in this post were sourced from

@ruky good information

Wow these are really helpful tips. A good mentorship is a vital area in entrepreneurship, most people think can do it all by themselves. Thanks for sharing.
