Why you need to be on Steemit and Dlive now? Dreaming about the blockchain

in #business7 years ago (edited)


This is Willemstad. The capital of Curacao, in the Caribbean.
Here there were many ships centuries ago. Doing business. Why? Because we have a great deep harbour. The infrastructure is there.

Infrastructure like the blockchain. Infrastructure for business.

I started today publishing on Steemit and Dlive. Because it is a new infrastructure. For business.

Why would I post my content here? Because I decided that I do not want to miss this blockchain wave. In 1989 when the internet was just about to take a fly, I was there. But I did not see it happening. I sensed that something was about to happen. That this thing called internet could be great.

I was sitting at the university and my friend was putting all these numbers in on the computer. Like 123.255.2666.4555.
IP addresses.

There was no Chrome, no Internet Explorer. I think even Netscape was not there. The pages looked bad.

I could not have imagined that the internet would become what it is today. That today I would have my online dream business and that I would work from home. Work from the Caribbean.

That is why I'm joining Steemit and Dlive today.

That is why I kept trying to create my first video online on Dlive. Because I feel that this is going somewhere. This is a new wave.

If you are here, welcome to this new wave. You are one of the first ones.

But let me tell you. This is not about technology.
This is about business. This is about you. This is about you taking control of your digital assets.
This is about you monetizing your content.
This is about your creativity.

That is why my first video on Dlive is about How to create anything you want.

Because from now on you can create anything you want.

You can create your business online. You can create your business on the blockchain. You can create anything on top of this thing we call blockchain.

Here are my beliefs. Go check my video about How you can create anything you want. Then come back.

My beliefs are that you should not focus on technology.

Why: because technology is here for us to use it. So whatever technology there is: we are the creators.
We are using technology. It is always about us. About how we benefit from the technology.

So you do not have to be a blockchain developer to be successful here. You have to be an entrepreneur. To see how you can use this.

Of course you need blockchain developers to make this thing work. To program smart contracts. To put your thoughts into lines of code. These people are great. If you are one of them, great. Because you will be in high demand.

But if you are just a business owner like me, feel ok. Because you can create value on top of the blockchain.

You can create new business models on top of it.

So there you have it.

My first post about business and blockchain.

I'm here to stay.

Are you?

Now I cannot predict the future. If I could I would not be sitting here. I would go an trade on the stocks exchange. But what I can do is try to imagine what this block chain could be. I could sit here and imagine what is possible.

You own a lot of assets. Like your car, your house, money, your wallet, your skills. Yes your skills (through your education) are assets. An asset is everything that you own.

You also have digital assets. Your posts, your videos, your blogs. Now imagine if you could put all your assets online. Imagine a world where all your assets could be put online digitally to work for you.

Assets can increase in value and can be traded. They can produce returns for you. You could trade them and combine them with other assets to generate income for you.

That is why I like DLIVE. Because now I can put my digital assets (my videos) there and they can produce income for me directly. I have seen already that my assets can now turn into money for me. And the beauty is that I do not have to fully understand how it works. I know that my digital asset is put there and that it is tied to my account - my wallet somehow.

Now the beauty is that when you combine assets you create businesses. In the past you had to have assets like a building, assets like materials, and you had to combine them into a production process. A physical production process. That process then generated money for you.

What would happen if Dlive could be combined with my Blog software. What if I could create an online course of my videos and each time people saw my videos I could generate more income? What if I could create a private place where I could share my videos privately to only the people that bought my course?

What would be the benefits of such a course creation app on the blockchain?

First I would not need to pay any transaction fees to other parties. Secondly I would not need to worry about payment providers. I would not need to set up anything. I would not need to link this to my bank. Because the video is attached to my wallet somehow. So I would get my money. The only thing I need to create is: linking 10 videos together and calling them a course. And to watch the course you need to pay a higher price.

The beauty about this system is that everybody watching my videos is able to pay. Because everybody has a wallet. I do not need to think anymore if somebody can pay or not. Because they can technically pay. They are part of the blockchain. Because they are using a blockchain app like Dlive. That is great.

You see, once people start using this "layer called blockchain" I know for sure that money is not a problem anymore. Because once you start using this layer, everything - my digital assets - are attached to money.

The benefit is that I do not have to qualify my customers anymore regarding money. Because they have a wallet. Maybe the wallet is empty. But they have a wallet.

What if the blockchain could qualify my customers? What if only people who can afford it can see my videos? What if the system could show my videos only to the people who have a certain amount of money in their wallet?

If this was possible, then my business would be even easier. Because now the system would qualify my potential customers. What if I could program into my videos that only people with certain attributes could see them?

Then I would not even need a course. Because then putting my video online would mean that the video generates money automatically. Only people who have a certain amount of money would see my videos and when they invest the money, they would see the videos.

I think this is possible. With smart contracts. I think it should be possible to add to my videos the statement that: only people who have a certain amount of money could see that video.

That would be great. Because then I would not need to be creating a site for courses etc. Have people log in. Etc.

What a wonderful world it would be.

So I'm back now. I stopped dreaming.

If you are a business owner that wants to create new things, let me know below what you want to create.

If you are a blockchain developer who was inspired let me know what is possible.

If you do not see my videos anymore, fill your wallet.....

; o )