How Easy it is to Start your own Business?

in #business8 years ago

Image of Yaktocat

You can easily start your own business! Yes, I am talking to you, my friend. In fact, you can do it very easily. The only thing that you need to start your business is your computer and that's it. Don't you believe me? Well then let's dig deeper into this topic.

you can start your business right now just as after turning on your computer. It will be so easy that it will only take about an hour. As you can easily build a WordPress website with in an hour.

These days you don't actually need a brick and mortar office to start your business. I am sure that you already know that though. Heck, you don't even need a website if you have a huge following on your social media channels. Your followers can become your customers. (But not all of them will) That way it won't even cost you a dime.

If you don't want to build websites fine. I understand you. Then start your own YouTube channel. I bet you have wanted to start your own YouTube channel at least once in your life time. Or maybe you already have. But you haven't posted many videos. And were not consistently giving effort.

Well, forget about all that. It does not matter what you did. What matters is that what you are doing right now. I know you have a dream. We all have. Or some of us but were crushed by some unfortunate events.

But do not ever give up on your dream. Make your dream a success. You can turn your dream which can be turned into a business as long as your dream helps someone else or adds value to their lives. Once you add value to the lives of others then the value will be added to your life as well.

You can literally start your own business sitting where you are right now using your own smartphone or laptop. So do it! Please START! You can do a hell lot of things. You can sell stuff, provide services, teach people, make people feel good about themselves or anything you wish. ANy idea can be turned into a business.

Or you can even build a community. That is what Mark Zuckerberg did. Now see where did it get him? He is one of the most powerful people of this world. What he did was just creating a community for people on the internet.

Reaching your customers has never been easier because of the internet. And marketing has become even easier.

Now you must be asking yourself that "Is this guy crazy? Why is he telling me all this?"

Well, I am telling you all these because I want you to take hold of your life. And change it! Change it for the best. And while you change your life you will be helping others in the process by adding value to their lives using your business. This way we can change the world together! For the best of the human race.

Don't forget to follow me guys and upvote this piece of content if you think it was nice and helpful in any way. Next, I will tell you that how you can start a business. What are the necessary steps? Or how you can earn money online And what are the ways. (Well one way is Steemit)

And reply below and tell me about your dreams and business ideas. Maybe we can polish your idea by talking to the people here. Oe even just you and me. Let's engage!

See you below in the reply section!!


I want to open a Finnish (As in Finland themed) bakery/diner in my town, but have no idea where to start.

Okay! Let's talk about how you can start!

So do you have all the equipment that you need to bake the foods that you are going to sell?

That is much of the problem. I have no equipment and my income is low due to disability and life obstacles.

Okay! So, if you have no equipment you have to invest your time and energy more into it.

Did you try looking for people in your area who have the equipment to bake?

Or there is one more thing that you can try! Create a group of dedicated people on Facebook who are in your local area and are with in your reach. Ask them, if they can provide you with baked goods once you order them.

You will give them the ingredients that they need to bake. And what you are going to outsource is just their skill as a baker.

But make sure that those people are passionate about earning money or baking.