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RE: The Unapologetic Pursuit Of International Glory And Recognition

in #business6 years ago

You are right @whatsup but it’s a funny, entertaining, honest and even educational type
Of cringe, I almost crave popcorn while reading this shit but don’t cause I might choke while reading @yallapapi ‘s adventures.

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Shhh... don't feed the haters

Hehehe Well when I saw the pic for the post I can’t say I didn’t think twice before clicking, but I figured I’d take the plunge anyway.... trying to soften the haters up.
Anyway You keep doing your thing.
So you’re in Thailand now??

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Haha hey man it’s the sad truth of this world that if you have something to say, people want to see your face. Especially if it’s something controversial or a little bit out there. And for all the time I spent afraid of what people would think of me if I posted something non anonymous, I can’t think of a single time I got criticism from someone whose opinion I actually cared about. Most of the time it’s from other anonymous people who don’t share your values. So who cares?

Yeah I’m in Thailand. New York was great but I just wasn’t ready. Need to rebuild myself in a place where I don’t have the pressure of a hefty rent payment and high cost of living. Honestly my main goal now is building this Youtube channel. Definitely lofty but I believe that no matter what you decide to do, you can make it happen if you try.

And honesty, ever since I started making videos I’m getting a more positive response from people overall. On IG, FB, my blog... whatever. I just feel like people are being nicer. Maybe it’s all in my head

Cool,’videos next. Since you’re gonna post on youtube, maybe also post them on DTube too, seems like videos are starting to get better payouts than regular posts... be sure to compress them, can’t remember what software, but supposedly mAkes uploading to dtube bearable.... soon weed will be legal there then i just might pop up over there, otherwise I’ll live vicariously through you.
As for your writing, well its honest and seems to be what you are actually thinking.. in todays P.C. / MeToo / LGBQ era, it rubs some wrong but its all bullshit... we all have prejudices and think bad shit all the time, you just express what some fear to do. It might not be proper or perfect but then again, wtf is?

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I thought about uploading them to dtube but I kind of want to keep my writing separate from the videos since the videos are not as HQ as the writing at this point. Is there a way to make a dtube post without making a steemit post?

And yeah I try to stay authentic. Can’t ruin my one advantage

Not that I know of, unless creating a whole separate Steemit account for that, which is kosher to do btw. Hehehe, kosher.
When I was a kid I thought Kosher was a dude....😂😂

Anyway, let us know when and where you post those vids.

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