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RE: Can We Thrive Without Being Competitive?

in #business8 years ago

I think that our culture has become so driven to "Win" because of a lack of satisfaction in so many areas of life. The goals become more and more shallow and empty the harder they push.

There's a huge difference between providing value and winning.

At this point in my life, the only thing I want strive to be the "best" at is as a husband and a father. And not so I can be measured against others, but because those are the things that have become important to me.


There's a huge difference between providing value and winning.

Wow. You just said in nine words what I was trying to get at with 1000.

You're right, the chance to "win" at something seems like a drug-hit. We're unsatisfied with the day-to-day, so we look for some area to compete that'll make us feel better. (Video games are another place we go to win meaningless victories.)

Being the best husband and father - now there's an area where you can make a real impact!

You did all the hard work.

I just read something well thought out and expressed in a way that made me understand it.

It's pretty easy to get so busy in life that you miss things.

It takes people who can express ideas in a way that breaks through all of that and actually speaks to the person buried under all of that "fake importance" to effect change.

That's on you. ;-)

Aw, shucks. Good thing the webcam on this computer doesn't work or you'd see me blushing!

Thank you!!!!!!!!

For what?

I'm just following the good examples I've seen here. ;-)

Thank you.