I know it's strange, but if you knew more about her you'd understand why I'd even be thinking of getting involved.
I do want to say something about seduction though, ya'll know I love the subject of negotiation...I'm not trying to get everyone to think and act like me, but if you're a man and you're trying to impress a woman then you can't be cheap.
When I met my wife I made a big mistake, I spoiled her. Last night I found out that she has never been to a wedding where those invited received gifts. And sure, I know there are kids around the world that literal vultures are after, but at the same time I thought I was in America.
Understand, even though I've lived in trailer parks and seen poverty in this country, whatever you call poverty does not compare to the poverty experienced where I come from. I think my wife looks at me at times and thinks I have little ambition, and to be quite honest I do materially, but not because I don't think I can obtain nice things.
I spoiled my wife too early and that was a mistake I'm still trying to correct. She deserves nice things but she also needs to learn where they come from and how to protect them over time.
My mother grew up used to nice things, long story short she is a snob, but not any kind of snob, she's a moral snob. I'm not gonna try to hide it, it is what it is. She's not necessarily mean, she'll actually go out of her way not to hurt your feelings, but you're not going to easily impress her with material things or with an act.
My dad impressed her, he has a thing for impressing people, a talent and a bad habit, driving him to seek approval. Many told him he should have run for public office, he could have gotten a seat, if we ever resume contact I'll be sure to ask him whether he ever considered it. But other than my dad, only one man I am aware of, ever got his way with her.
I will see him again most likely, I'm not looking for him though, but when I do see him everyone is going to know what he is.
Many years after their divorce my mother finally gave into another story, and I knew the guy was bad news but she's grown and she gets to make her mistakes. It is nonetheless sad to see your parents not do well at romance...it would seem both of them might spend their last days alone in that sense.
I have been hoping though that my mother could meet someone, if anything just so that as she ages someone will be able to call the ambulance when necessary. I know I'll never like the guy entirely, he'll never be good enough completely, as I'm sure my mother would never entirely approve of a partner for me unless it was Jesus himself.
Anyways, I was on the phone with my mother a few days ago and she was telling me about this dude she wants to introduce me to for business... apparently he's been trying to get with her.
She told me she had turned him down but he keeps calling.
Why did she turn him down? As it turns out she came to him with a money problem and he said he couldn't help without even asking what it was she needed or how much it would cost.
Dude doesn't even have enough for an aspirin or is it that he wouldn't buy an aspirin for her?
I said "mom, why would I want to do business with a man so dumb?"
Seriously, guys, do any of you really think you can go after a woman and not invest any money on her? Really? Is that like a thing? Because I thought Hollywood had established that we're paying for dinner.
I'm not saying men are supposed to take financial responsibility for grown women, but I thought the whole point was to contribute to each other and if you think all you're going to contribute is your beer belly, morning breath and bad jokes then you're in for a surprise.
How can I do business with a man who would seek another human being for, at the very least, sexual pleasure yet has no concern over that person's safety or wellbeing?
He goes around talking about how successful in business he has been but he doesn't even know how to pretend? He couldn't have asked her what she needed knowing fully that he wouldn't be helping?
I expressed these concerns to my mother, and then told her I'd call him if she wanted me to, but that I didn't approve of that man for her romantically. I'd sooner pay him to disappear than allow him near her.
I don't think she will be giving him a chance, my mom is very hard to impress, she has seen wealth. For a man to impress my mom he has to be perfect. He could look a mess and even act a mess sometimes, but in essense he has to be incorruptible. Whatever it is this man believes in, he really needs to believe in it. Otherwise you're not good enough...you don't compare to the men in her life and no amount of wealth can ever convince her.
She too was shocked that he didn't show an interest in finding out what it was she needed. She said, "No one comes to my house and leaves empty-handed" and then proceeded to tell me how the first time he visited she gave him a fig tree. Then told me how the tree sprouted from a branch that fell on the ground and she prepared it for him to plant. When my mom says she makes sure no one leaves empty-handed she means it, it's true, she will at least get you a cup of water even if you don't drink it, many times I've found myself frustrated with how giving she is.
I can't allow a dude who won't put out a dollar to get a hold of her, he'd use her until there's nothing else left. If I had to say the type of personality that would complement hers is that of a highly logical man who doesn't want to be highly logical anymore. As long as the dude can keep her from giving away everything she owns, doesn't lie to us, is not violent and has some true integrity, then I guess I'm old enough not to care if he dates my mom.
Pros: She can cook anything, is in good health for her age, and can drive a manual transmission.
Cons: She's absolutely insane at least a week out of the month, probably needs meds to reduce the number of crazy days but you're gonna have to fight her to take those, and you gotta make sure she doesn't give away your good stuff to someone she thinks needs it more.
Any takers?
You should not attempt to find your mom a boyfriend.
The world isn't the way you would like it to be.
She wants a guy that could have most any woman.
And her desire, what she will accept does not go down as she ages.
So, the pool that she can find that matches what she wants are all bad-boys.
You will just end up wasting your time, and the time of whomever you try to encourage you mom to meet.
I find it interesting that you'd think they'd all be bad boys. But yeah, I should probably stay out of it.
About the bad-boys, it is just simple numbers
In our Gynocentric world there are very few "Good Men"
Men who are good looking enough AND want to settle down.
They are snatched up early, and usually stay commited.
The guys that you would want to set up your mother with are probably all "Nice Guys", and every one of them she will reject.
This leaves only the Bad-boys
Here, Wheat Waffles explains it fully