Starting Over.

in #business6 years ago

"Nothing holds you back more than your own insecurities."-2.png

My decision to start making soap again and the even bigger decision to make it into a business for the second time, came from some quick and undeniable realization.

I’ve always known I was an entrepreneur at heart. Creativity is my life force and the freedom and variety a business offers, I require.

The mystery was alway, what business should I start?

I’ve been into a few different businesses over the years, as well as the whole network marketing/direct sales gig and helping manage my husbands business over the past 5 years.

Since deciding to shut down my last soap company, I’ve been on the search for what next? Little did I know, that starting over was the answer all this time.

There was no one specific reason as to why I shut down my last soap business, it was several complicated and diverse issues at hand that lead me to the decision. (I plan to share some of these specific details in a later blog)

A few months ago, I started analyzing those issues and realized, although they would have been difficult to address at the time, I also realized that starting over, knowing what I know now, through the experience was a huge advantage.

Not only could I start over and create a new brand, but I had the knowledge to avoid some of the pitfalls I found myself in.

I’m an intuitive one, and have leaned to trust my intuition and when this quick realization came over me, it felt right and concrete.

Although I’m still in the very early stages of this new business venture and realize there’s a ton of hard work and persevere ahead of me, just like the last business, But this time around, my mindset is different, my expectations are different and I’m a hell of lot more confident in my own abilities to make it work.

What’s the point of me sharing this?

It's a message of hope for those that know deep down, they, too are entrepreneurs at heart and would love to start a business, make their current business work or contemplating starting over, that sometimes, the answers aren’t really all that complicated.

Even if it’s your 10th approach at making something work, keep going. Every obstacle and every win has a lesson. In business there’s new things we learn everyday and all those lessons are like gold and necessary for future success.

We don’t just grow through good times, we grow and evolve through tough times. It’s our job to be humble, know this and hold on.

It’s about the journey of it all, not just the end result.

I’ve made a promise to myself that I would enjoy each any every task at hand, this time around. That I would make confident decisions based on what feels right and know that success only comes from my own personal responsibility and perseverance.

I share this because, (I consistently need to hear it) and I’m sure I’m not alone in this endeavour and hope that this message finds those that need to hear it.

I would love to connect with anyone that has had or is going through similar experiences.
