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RE: 20 years as self employed

in #business7 years ago

Congratulations on the 20 years! The thought of being self-employed is daunting to me, because I'm an utterly boring goody two shoes rule follower worry wart. You are brave! hahahah. I do like a level of independence at my work. I am mostly left to my own devices and complete my own to-do list and interact with my clients. The thought of having no bosses sounds awesome though. Freedom is pretty great. I wish you continued success in your business. :D


You are funny for a boring goody two shoes! I never saw it as a question about being brave or boring. Some of the bravest people I know have a job. But freedom is great! Sadly my kind of freedom has always been the freedom from money... but hey ho, CRYYYYYYYPTOOOOOO!

Hahahahahah FREEDOM FROM MONEY - such is the life of an artist... this is why I am a corporate slave. JK. My bosses are pretty amazing. I've been lucky. And thank you always for your kind words!