Traveling on business to a place far away from home

in #business7 months ago

Today I went to a very far away place on a business trip.The subject is installing the factory used inverter that was bought from the company that I currently work in.So let me tell me tell you guys about some of that place.This place is more than 30 miles away from where I am currently settled.

That place is a place with a lot of industries.When we arrived there, we saw many factories.We saw fruit factories that sent abroad, cement factories, steel factories, and other famous factories.We visited the factory where they bought the inverter for cooling the fruits that were going to be aboard.

The industrial complex was too big, so I had to search for the factory.As soon as we arrived, we unloaded our belongings and started to install the inverter.Before, they used star/delta motor control to freeze the fruit they sent abroad.Over time, the motor pulls so much load that the conductors can't take it and burn out.They finally decided to buy and install the same inverter, which would be expensive.

As soon as the electricity came on, the load test started.The product is expensive but good quality, so when I tried to load test it, it ended successfully.After we ran finishing the inverter, we talked about what we both had to say and then we prepared to go back to the office.

This is just my daily content that I did today, please forgive me if there are any typos 🙏
See you soon ❣️
Peace 🕊️ out 😀