Building a Better Business Episode 7: Experts, Coaches, and Guru's Oh My...
I want to preface this by saying that I do not consider myself an expert, coach, or guru in any manner. I know a thing or two about building a business, affiliate marketing, and web development because I have been doing these things for a couple days now... LOL
Too long has the internet marketing or affiliate marketing world been plagued by people that call themselves these things and it is absolutely astonishing how many people still fall for this. But let's break this down a little bit, because in my mind to be considered any of these things you need to have credentials of some sort, right?
Well a high school or college wouldn't hire a coach without credentials, would they? A business would not hire an "Expert" in their field without both credentials and an excessive amount of time spent in that field, would they? Guru's to me are from a famed country in the East where people spend decades honing their craft.
Yet, online we see people call themselves these things with little to no credentials or they say they have credentials yet won't or don't show them... Seems a little fishy, right?
The most common that I tend to see online is someone that owns a business type website, usually a membership website of some sort. But it is funny because this website's primary goal is almost never training, it is more along the lines of "Sell my stuff and you too can become and expert coach guru like me". If this doesn't ring alarm bells, I am not sure what would.
The worst is when these membership website owners spend ALL of their time promoting and talking about someone else's website or business. Instead of talking about their business or website and making it better (bring the design into 2020 FFS), they tell all their members or potential members to go join someone else's website and spend hundreds to thousands of dollars. Here is what I would like to see, a receipt that the expert coach guru ALSO spent the money they are telling their members or potential members to spend. Because I personally don't think that they bought the exact same product they are telling you to buy. I think they instead used their words and "expert coach guru" status to get to the level instead of spending the money.
But that is just my two cents. IF I ever promote or talk about something other than my own business, I will ALWAYS show that I am a member of and am actively using that product, and if asked, I will show you my receipts! LOL.
This is why I thoroughly enjoy the HIVE blockchain, EVERYTHING is transparent. You can see everyone's everything. There is no need to hide behind some status. Let mine and your actions on the chain define who and what you are.
At the end of the day, I HIGHLY encourage EVERYONE to do their due diligence and research before buying any product at all no matter the price. I also highly recommend that if you are a website own of any sort, you DO NOT spend your time promoting or selling somebody else's crap. Focus on your stuff first and always.
Let me know if this has helped you in any way to build a better business!
That's for damn sure! The rise of the everyone-is-an-entrepreneur movement gave birth to a surplus of unoriginal mouthpieces who offer nothing but second-hand marketing copy and third party recommendations. It's definitely worth pointing out. Cheers! :)
YES!!! Continued awareness of issues like this will only make business online better!
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You can also delegate and get weekly payouts.
Welp...I agree!
Because well....I'm a guru and would like you to buy my stuff!!!
lol Nah seriously man, great point. Fantastic wake up call to those looking for experts to follow...See if they actually, walk the walk!
Not sure if you count... We work together... LOL
It's frustrating the small businesses trying their best and work their butt for themselves and playing fair and square when these supposed "gurus" manipulate enough for people to believe that they really are gurus...
And, if they are promoting other stuff that means they don't even believe in their stuff how can people go for them anyway?
It's mind-blowing...
Focus and believe in your own stuff! If it's not good, make it better, don't go to the easy path of promoting something already made and who knows if it will be successful or not!
Thank you for sharing, hope it really opens some eyes...
Yes, and they MUST be stopped!!! Stop buying other people's crap and focus on building you and your business!
Great post, I really live the show me the receipts comment and the fact that ALL transactions on the blockchain are there for anyone who takes the time to look can see.
This is EXACTLY why we built Hive-Pay. Simple transactions and ALL recorded on the blockchain!!
Lets go